Project Description

Stochastic Resonance (SR) has been shown to be a useful way to enhance perceptual and cognitive performance; however, there are open ended questions to the underlying neural mechanisms that induce SR. We will use neuroimaging and statistical analysis to understand how SR influences neural behavior and how it applies to performance benefits. Students will work closely with baby直播app and a graduate student to improve our understanding of SR mechanisms. Students will engage in human experimentation, testing subject ability to perform under the influence of SR. Students will also be working with physiological sensors to measure brain response. They may also develop hardware/software that is crucial for observation, as well as, help with analyzing complicated datasets that come from evaluating neuroimaging data. This student will learn techniques that are necessary for conducting human experimentation and enhance their coding ability.

Special Requirements

Familiarity in MATLAB coding, attend numerous meetings, maintain a flexible schedule to accommodate human subjects.
