Project Description

At the Emergent Nanomaterials Laboratory (ENL) we work at the forefront of materials research on exciting new applications for polymeric soft materials. We are currently working with a class of biodegradable materials called cyclodextrins, which are made of glucose molecules linked together into a cup-shaped ring. Cyclodextrins are like nano-buckets small enough to hold just 2 water molecules. A phenomenon called triboelectricity is observed when cyclodextrin materials are rubbed against other surfaces, similar to static electricity between hair and a balloon. We plan to use this property to generate electricity on nanoscale. Such generators can be used to power wearable gadgets. We also use cyclodextrins to make “molecular necklaces†called polyrotaxanes, which may be cross-linked into remarkably soft, tough, stretchy biodegradable materials.

The DLA student will help synthesize and compare different cyclodextrin and polyrotaxane compositions, and analyze their mechanical properties using rheology and dynamic mechanical analysis.

Special Requirements

  • GPA>3.0
  • Experience with organic synthesis desired
  • Expected work in lab: up to 8 hrs/wk
