Assessing the Engineering Culture of Engineering Students

Project Description In this research effort we aim to assess the engineering students’ cultural wealth at three selected institutions (University of babyÖ±²¥app Boulder, James Madison University and Angelo State University) and to understand how engineering students’ personal values relate to beliefs about engineering. Findings from this research will tremendously assist...

Investigating Photoreactive Protein Conjugation to Upconverting Nanoparticles

Project Description In this project you will learn to synthesize and modify upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) for protein conjugation. You will analyze different methods of chemically conjugating photoreactive proteins to the UCNPs. Once conjugated, you will explore the distribution of photoreactive fusion protein-UCNP conjugates in in vitro cell models including tumor...

Air and Soil Quality Inquiry Environmental Monitor Development and Outreach

Project Description Student will work with the Hannigan Lab to develop and refurbish air and soil quality environmental monitors which use low-cost sensors to measure soil and air quality indicators in rural high schools in babyÖ±²¥app. Student will be working with low costs sensors, embedded systems and we based data...

Investigating the Effect of Modulating Cavitation on Silica Nanoparticles

Project Description In this project, you will learn how to synthesize mesoporous silica nanoparticles, hydrophobically modify their surface, and attach phospholipids to the hydrophobic surface. In addition, you will learn how to synthesize Janus phospholipid capped, hydrophobically modified mesoporous silica nanoparticles. After learning to synthesize these particles, you will learn...

Laboratory Investigations of Odor and Chemical Transport by Turbulent Flows

Project Description Prof. Crimaldi runs the Ecological Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, where we use a combination of experimental and numerical approaches to study fluid stirring, mixing, and reactions, and to investigate how organisms have evolved and adapted to opportunities and constraints associated with their physical environment. We have a particular interest...

Quantifying Changes in Soft Tissue Extracellular Matrix Organization

Project Description This project is part of larger studies that aim to understand soft tissue injury susceptibility. In these studies, we quantify the differences in injury mechanics of knee ligaments from multiple mouse model comparisons, including genetically-modified mice and treadmill exercised mice vs. caged controls. These differences in mechanical function...

Protein Expression of Bone Cells Altered by Bone Metastasis

Project Description The objective of this project is to identify differences in osteocyte mechanobiological function in response to exposure to breast cancer and mechanical loading. These differences will be determined via histological staining and image analysis of relevant osteocyte-derived proteins. Our previous work demonstrates that skeletal mechanical signals have an...

Nanomanufacturing of Nanophononic Devices for Efficient Thermoeletrics

Project Description The project aims to develop semiconductor devices that convert heat flow into electricity without moving parts or emitting pollutants, by creating a “nanophononic†thermoelectric device. This concept relies on having tiny structures added to a thin solid membrane’s top and bottom slow the flow of heat down the...

Acoustofluidics-Enhanced Biosensing

Project Description Biosensing is an essential part of patient diagnosis, pandemic response, and disease management; however, many biosensing techniques require complex preparation and processing steps. This project will explore use of acoustic trapping of biomarker-specific microparticles in microfluidic channels – a technique termed “acoustofluidic trapping†– for simplified purification and...

Experimental Analysis of Droplet Motion in Rectangular Channels

Project Description Many applications of drop-based microfluidics have been explored in recent years, ranging from drug targeting to micro-chemical reactors. Understanding the physics of drop motion in rectangular microchannels is key to provide insights when designing such applications. Our group has previously developed computational methods to similar such systems, whereas...
