Cognitive Psychology - 4 puzzle pieces as a brain

Want to incorporate metacognition in your teaching? Here are some resources to help!

Dec. 6, 2022

As sunlight wanes and we approach the Winter Solstice, colder temperatures and early snowfall signal that we are entering a season of reflection. Allowing our minds to wander without constraint or agenda can provide a restorative break with the busyness of the fall semester. Much like we need rest after...

Student studying on laptop and with textbook

Call for Faculty Beta Testers for an Exam Reflection Canvas Module

April 21, 2021

This summer, the ASSETT Innovation Incubator Metacognition + Well-Being team will beta-test a pilot Canvas module on exam preparation and test-taking strategies. While current testing is focused on the student experience, including their perceptions of the value and relevance of the module content, the team needs to gather baby直播app perspectives...