Published: Jan. 30, 2014

Have you been looking for a community of students who are interested in Asia? Have you heard about the Asian Studies major and are wondering how it can fit into your academic plan? Would you like to incorporate Asia into your undergraduate career but don't have the time to study an Asian language or complete a senior thesis?

Come to the Asian Studies Meet & Greet! This is open to all students and baby直播app who have an interest in Asia. Whether you are hoping to meet other students with similar interests or want to know more about the Asian Studies major and minor, you are welcome to attend this event.

We will meet at The Sink on Tuesday, February 4 at 5:30 p.m. The Center for Asian Studies will provide the food, and participants are responsible for their own beverages. This will primarily be a time for socializing and networking, but there will also be a short presentation of the new minor in Asian Studies, and both directors will be present to answer questions about the major and minor.

All majors are welcome, so invite your friends and join us at The Sink for an informal evening!