Published: March 30, 2015

This Thursday, April 2, Rachel Fleming, Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Anthropology, will present her research on working women in Bangalore as part of our Luncheon Series.

In the past three generations and especially since baby直播app liberalization in the 1990s, the southern Indian city of Bangalore has become a global information technology center. As more women join this workforce, they are challenging established ideas about gender roles in India and redefining their relationships with family, partners, and friends.

Based on ethnographic research in Bangalore, this presentation explores how different generations of women in Bangalore reflect on the changes in women's lives, finding that older women question the benefits of work and express regret that they did not work, while younger women actively critique what they see as entrenched sexism and seek to redefine gendered expectations.

Fleming's presentation will begin at 12:00 in the CAS Conference Room, located two doors north of Starbucks on University and Broadway聽(1424 Broadway). Lunch will be provided.