Published: March 18, 2018

Asian Studies Graduates in 2017

CAS coordinates the major and minor in Asian Studies, an interdisciplinary program that allows students to study the astonishing diversity of the Asian region. Information is available on theAcademicstab of our website.

Asian Studies BA

Jackie Dong
Leandra Laws
Angelica Powell
Jordan Witt
Nathan Wright
Allison Willman

Asian Studies Minor

Henry Blazier
Cameron Chorpenning
Austin Hampton
Monica Hoffman

Asia Internship Program - Japan

In 2017, CAS sent our second batch of students to Tokyo for the summer internship program, through which students gain valuable work experience in Japanese settings and earn course credit for completing assignments that help them reflect on their experiences.

Sean Miller, a senior Japanese and Economics major, worked with the US Meat Export Federation’s Tokyo office.

Matthew Scott, a junior in Operations Management with certificates in Global Business and Entrepreneurship, worked at Chiyoda Rubber Company, owned and managed by CU alumnus Kazunori Takato.

Japanese Studies Fellowships

This endowment allows us to provide graduate student support to recognize and encourage the study of Japanese history, literature, and language.

Lani Alden
Anna Blaine
Patrick Chimenti
Natalie Collar
Drew Korschun
Minako Kuhara
Ji Shouse
Tatiana Topolian
Isaac Wang

Southeast Asian Studies Scholarships

Through a grant from the US Department of Education, CAS has supported students on study abroad programs in Southeast Asia.

Elise Brizes, Singapore
Tristan Evans, Singapore
Kaitlyn Greaney, Thailand
Helen McGinnis, Vietnam

babyֱapp Journal of Asian Studies

CASis pleased to announce the publication of the fourth volume of thebabyֱapp Journal of Asian Studies, available on the Academics tab of our website. Each Asian Studies major is required to complete a thesis or project based on original research, and some of these outstanding theses are featured in CJAS each year. Essays featured in the 2017volume of thebabyֱapp Journal of Asian Studies:

  • “The Genre of Boys’ Love and the Societal Acceptance of Male Homosexuality in Japan,” Leandra Laws
  • “The May Fourth Movement: the Myth, the Event and its Political Usage,” Angela L. Powell
  • “In Search of the Law: Ennin’s Journey in a Japanese Buddhist Context,” Kurt Martin Schreiber

Read the2017CJAS Volumeonline!