Published: Aug. 21, 2023

ASIA 4600 - Encounters: Tibet, the Himalayas, and the West

TTh 2:00 - 3:15pm
Tenzin Tsepak (

Provides a history of European knowledge about Tibet in the early medieval period, followed by the historical accounts of various European missionaries, travelers, and merchants to Tibet from the medieval to the early modern period. Critiques the construction of the myth of Shangri-la in the West the complex relationship and representation of Tibet and the Tibetans in the West. Formerly offered as a special topics course. Recommended prerequisite: ASIA 1700.

TBTN 1120 Beginning Tibetan II - DILS

MWF 10:10am - 11am
Tenzin Tsepak (

Continuation of TBTN 1110; provides a thorough introduction to the colloquial and literary Tibetan language, emphasizing speaking and listening in the Lhasa dialect. Trains students in basic conversations and the idiomatic and syntactical features of Tibetan through drills and dialogues.

TBTN 2120 Intermediate Tibetan II - DILS

MWF 9:05am - 9:55am
Tenzin Tsepak (

This DILS (Directed Independent Language Study) course on Intermediate Tibetan will introduce students to intermediate grammar, sentence construction, conversation topics, and readings in modern Tibetan. This will include introduction to Tibetan grammatical markers and particles, morphology, syntax, and vocabularies using a range of authentic materials.

INDO 1110 Beginning Indonesian 1- DILS

MWF 12:20 - 1:10pm

Beginning Indonesian 1. Reading assignments will include reading, listening and grammar, which students will demonstrate during class sessions, in which they will offer reading summaries, answer questions and practice speaking.

INDO 2110 Intermediate Indonesian 1- DILS

MWF 11:15am - 12:05pm

Continuation of Beginning Indonesian. In the second year, students will be exposed to more active communication.

HIST 4538Modern India

TuTh 12:30-1:45 p.m

Description:Focuses on the rise and fall of the British Empire in India (1757-1947). The course is divided into two parts: The first part explores the origin and rise of the British East India Company from piracy and privateering in the 16th century to its colonization of India (1757-1857). The second part investigates the rise of Gandhi and his nonviolent resistance movement that brought down the British Empire in India in 1947. Students interested in the history of Britain and the British Empire will find this course just as useful as those interested in modern Indian history, particularly Gandhi.

ARTH 4929 Eco-Video in Southeast Asia

TTh 11-12:15 am
Brianne Cohen (

How can artists contribute toglobal climate justice?This course investigates ecologically engaged contemporary video and visual culture in Southeast Asia, a region often understudied or ignored in terms of climate change.Through an interdisciplinary lens, we will examine urgent environmental issues in the area from wartime ecocide in Vietnam and Cambodia since the 1960s to mega-development projects in places such as Singapore. The course will analyze a boom in recent camera-based artworks addressing such issues and how they envision a more ethical, planetary picture of human-environmental relations.

HIST 4728: Modern Japan

MWF 2:30-3:20 p.m.
This course explores Japan’s modern period, traditionally defined as 1868-1945. (To situate “modern” developments in historical context and show continuity with the “early modern” and “contemporary” eras, we will cover the early 1840s through the late 1940s). We are interested not only in the trends and events that have shaped Japanese experiences, but also in the ways in which past and present observers, including historians, have sought to narrate and interpret those experiences. This course particularly emphasizes the description and development of society, including the “family state” of the Meiji regime, the projection of Japanese imperialism throughout Asia, and the effects of total war on the domestic population.

HIST 4800: Semicolonial States: China, Japan, Siam

MWF 1:25-2:15 p.m.

Miriam Kadia (
This course uses the framework of “semicolonialism” as a vehicle for comparing the only three Asian states that were never formally colonized, but that were nonetheless deeply influenced by imperialism. Beginning with the age of Euro-American empire-building in the nineteenth century, we trace the different ways in which China, Japan, and Siam (now Thailand) strategized to secure independent sovereignty. The course also investigates the ways in which these states interacted with and influenced each other, particularly during the interwar and World War II eras when Japan itself became a colonial power in Asia.

GEOG 3822 Geography of China

TTh 12:30 - 1:20pm
Tim Oakes (

Geography of China explores the diverse human and environmental geographies of the world’s most populous country, with particular attention to understanding the dynamics of contemporary social, cultural, babyֱapp, technological and geo-political changes, as well as evaluating the growing influence of ‘global China’ around the world.

RLST 3300 Foundations of Buddhism

MW 12:20–1:10(*Note you must also sign up for a recitation section.)
Dan Hirshberg

This course provides an introduction to Buddhist thought and practice in the variety of its historical and cultural contexts. We begin with the story of the Buddha, his teachings, and the early Buddhist community in India. We then trace the expansion of the Theravada to Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia with a focus on the role of images and relics in Buddhist ritual and kingship. Next, we consider the rise of Mahayana in India including the bodhisattva ideal, key doctrinal concepts of emptiness and buddha nature, the cosmology of buddha lands, and the Buddhist path in Mahayana contexts.


Nidhi Arya (Nidhi.Arya@babyֱapp.Edu)

HIND 1010-001 Beginning Hindi 1
M-F9:05 - 9:55

HIND 2110-001 Intermediate Hindi 1
M-F 10:10 - 11:00

HIND 3110-001 Advanced Hindi 1
MWF11:15 - 12:05

CHIN 1010 Beginning Chinese 1

Section 001

Section 002

Section 003 (almost full)
M-F 11:15a-12:05p

An introduction to the fundamentals of modern standard Chinese (Mandarin), including pronunciation, Chinese characters, grammar, and conversation. Students develop all four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) with an emphasis on oral communication. Texts are in simplified characters with vocabulary in both simplified and traditional characters.