Published: July 15, 2019


Monday, July 15th, 2019

6:00 PM. in UMC 384

  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

Present: Mavjuda, Jemil, Victoria, Julissa G, Jessica G, Jhossep T, Nickey, Josh, Christina F, Sandra A., Chidera, Christina C, Monica M, Nickey, Maya S,


Excused: Anuja, Victor


  1. Fun Activity :)

    1. - SIGN UP!!!!!!

  1. Open Hearing

  1. Approval of the Minutes

  1. Approval of the Agenda

  1. New Business

    1. First Funding Cycle

      1. First Funding Cycle

        1. Chinese Student and Scholars Association “MidAutumn Festival” September 13th, 3pm @ Norlin Quad/UMC Arcade - Nickey and Josh

          1. Notes:

  • We hope for Students, Scholars, Faculties, and Campus Staff to attend.

  • Will provide moon cakes and will teach chinese culture.

  • Event will be held on Norlin Quad if not Arcade.

  • Will being positive impact to campus because it will impact local and international students by teaching them about the culture.

  • We have improved by working with UMC catering this year, limiting propaganda by only advertising to only to students and requiring BuffCard for food.

  • More freebies; each both will have prizes and more interactive games for the attendees.

  • Budget was submitted late because I was in China and documents would not load, when I looked back to see if application was submitted there was confusion where I thought it was. When the page loaded I realized the application was not submitted and was late.

  • There have been issues in the past with communication, but we will improve and be more efficient with our responses this time.

      1. Questions:

        1. Can items be bought in the US rather than overseas?

          1. Yes but the quantities we would like are not sold here and more freebies and choices can be given to students. Amazon is overpriced.

          2. Snack should be treated as part of the freebies and food is part of the cultural experience, so we cannot pick between the two.

          3. Freebies are not funded by CEB.

          4. Projected attendance is ~500 people

        2. Parking?

          1. Parking is for transportation of supplies such as tents that people from the organization bring.

        3. What happens to costumes?

          1. We have costumes from past years but they are in bad conditions so we don't think they will be reused. Costumes are not for performances.

        4. Advertising?

          1. There will be posters, flyers, and facebook page.

      2. Cultural Relevance Statement: Celebrating the Chinese MidAutumn through the use of food, costumes, games, decorations and other aspects relevant to chinese culture.

        1. Move to approve Chinese Students and Scholars Association for Cultural Relevance

          1. Vote 11-0-2

      3. Questions for them:

        1. Are you going to be reusing costumes from last year and specify which ones you will be using?

        2. How are you going to ensure the costumes are going to be used for cultural events?

      1. CU Gaming “Press Start” September 13th, 6pm @ the Rec - Victoria and Chidera

        1. Notes: Press-Start: first event of the year

-Wants funding for speaker.

- Guest speaker for discrimination of e-sports; specifically sexual discrimination.

-Would be an international speaker.

-Final details on contracts regarding approximate fee amount will be provided later.

- Will reach out to other speakers if this speaker does not work out or does not show. (Speaker has not been confirmed.) Also considering having other schools participate instead of having a speaker as backup plan.

-Should get a reply within the next few days.

- Lower basketball court has been reserved for event and event will not have admittance fee.

-Speaker will perform for approximately 30 minutes to an hour after the events starts.

- Rec Center did not provide enough tables during the last event; will figure out this issue by next week.

- Different companies would be present to advertise their own games and will talk to the Rec about their conduct during the event.

- Events include: tech industry fighter, dungeons and dragons.

        1. Questions:

          1. Have you found the games you wanna play?

            1. Yes but they are still up in the air - can change.

          2. Can you explain how your event is culturally relevant without speaker?

            1. Gaming community has an influx of people. Different ethnicities and international students. One of the few orgs who manages to bring people out of will vill. A lot of cultural diversity.

          3. Projected attendance?

            1. ~300 but its doubling

          4. How do you know if its doubling?

            1. Because the hub is increasing

          5. Advertising?

            1. Student affairs and marketing - posters, friyay sponsorship, be involved fair

          6. Is one police officer enough?

            1. We are looking to get more after SAFE meeting

(7) How are you planning to make posters?

Rec will provide funding for posters, we also have $200 just in case.

      1. Cultural Relevance Statement: Large portion of campus are gamers and need the opportunity to connect and game on campus. Strive to have an inclusive community for gamers where they can interact instead of staying on a screen; good for freshmen or other people that are shy and all members of the community. Promotes coming out of enclosed rooms and interacting with peers.

        1. Move to approve CU Gaming for Cultural Relevance

          1. Vote 10-0-2

      2. Questions for them:

        1. If you do not receive funding for your requested speaker, would you be able to find another speaker to speak of on the lack of inclusivity within the gaming culture?

        2. Can you get an exact quote for the needs of the desired speaker IE airfare?

      1. Multicultural Greek Council “MGC Yard Show” September 27, 8pm @ UMC Center Ballroom - Nickey and Monica

        1. Notes:

-Show is a tradition to MGC’s around the country.

- Time the show starts is tentative due to UMC approval. We want the show to begin at 7pm but could be pushed back to 8pm.

- Performances can last 3- 5 minutes.

- Open Strolling; greek community gets the opportunity to participate in strolls and steps that are important to their communities.

- Most of what we are getting is through the UMC; we are trying to keep the production pretty simple because we want the focus to be on the performers.

_ Hoping to have a DJ; asking for a photographer because they didn't have one last year. Advertising will be done through resource center.

        1. Questions:

          1. Do you have the UMC booked already?

            1. Yes, it is reserved from 4pm to 11pm. Time between 4pm and 7pm could be used for rehearsal, setup (etc) before show.

          2. Keeping it in the ballroom or outside?

            1. Would like to keep it in the ballroom.

          3. Only CU Boulder?

            1. Last year we reached out to other MGC’s and have a chapter from MSU participate, but this year council decided that is wasn’t fair and will have to discuss if other orgs should participate. Other orgs will be invited regardless.

          4. How will you make yourself known?

            1. MGC always participates in CUnity Fest and uses the moment as exposure. We are planning to promote the event a month in advance and take advantage of the Be Involved Fair.

        2. Cultural Relevance Statement:Provide safe space for multicultural organizations. Trying to reach out to everybody and encouraging to take advantage of resources to extended community. Additionally, including culture of strolling.

          1. Move to approve Multicultural Greek Council for Cultural Relevance

            1. Vote 11-0-1

        3. Questions for them:

          1. Do you intend on inviting other organizations to perform?

      1. Latin Arts Society “Mexican Independence Week,” September 16-20 6:00 pm@ Business Field, Will Vill - Mavjuda and Sandra

        1. Notes:

  • Promoting fun on campus, the biggest thing from feedback of participants is that they want to see diversity.

  • Plan to have a live mariachi band, along with the pinata making workshop, fashion show, to celebrate culture.

  • Mexican Independence Day Celebration: Bring knowledge to the community about certain holidays, such as Cinco de Mayo. Want Mariachi, Loteria, Taquero.

  • Want the location to be in the business field.

  • Pinata Making Workshop: focusing on providing therapy through arts; allowing people to get creative and interact with peers. Will be located at Village Center- The Startup Hub.

  • Fashion Show: Wants to incorporate other student organization into the show to show that the word “culture” can embody.

  • Folklore fashion runway; participants wear clothing in accordance with their background and beliefs; will get a prize for the effort they put into their clothing.

        1. Questions:

          1. Are all the locations reserved? Yes.

          2. -What about the weather?

          3. - We have tents but we might need to request more.

          4. - Since they are weekday events, are you concerned about attendance?

          5. -Events took place on weekdays last year and we had a great turn out. Marketing wasn’t great but this year we are planning to put out more exposure. We will use bigger flyers and WOM. Mariachi will be loud and people will be passing by, expecting normal exposure.

          6. -Was the Pinata- Making in Will Vill last time?

          7. No. Will Vill can be inconvenient for people because of commute, but we are planning to advertise well enough to let people know about the event. Since people are wanting de-stress and are already on their way home, we expect people will attend.

          8. -Room?

          9. - Room might be too small for Fashion Show. Will try to look for a bigger room for the Fashion Show.

          10. - Have you confirmed with the band, DJ, food?

          11. - They have confirmed with the band, but not the food reservations or DJ.

        2. Cultural Relevance Statement: The exploration of the Mexican culture through understanding Mexican independence day, its arts, and fashion.

          1. Move to approve Latin Arts Society for Cultural Relevance

            1. Vote 12-0-1

        3. Questions for them:

          1. Can you reserve a larger or more popular room for the fashion show?

          2. Is it feasible to have a fashion show at Abram’s Lounge?

          3. Could you give us a quote of contracts?

          4. How are you limiting how much food people are getting (servings)?

            1. One suggestion could be stamping people’s hands once they get food.

      1. Muslim Student Association “MSA Showdown” October 1st, 10:30am @ the Rec - Julisa and Jemil

        1. Notes: (Lauren, Colton) Muslim Student Association Showdown.

-Bring inclusivity and educate cu boulder community

-Educational aspects; defeating bias, sporting events, poetry slam, arts, movie( documentary)?

- Advertising all over campus in hope of bringing a diverse audience

- community event

- Quran reading

        1. Questions:

  • Why is the event earlier in the year compared to last time?

    • Due to arrangement and funding timing, earlier would be better

    • Would not conflict with class priorities

  • How important is food for this event?

    • Food is important for the event. Will be serving snack sized portions.

  • How will the schedule work:

    • All sports will be timed and will be at the same time.

  • Attendance is expected to be at least 21 people.

  • Gifts are trophies and metals.

        1. Cultural Relevance Statement:The destigmatization of the Islamic culture through communal games and through the education of Islamic beliefs and practices.

          1. Move to approve Muslim Student Association for Cultural Relevance

            1. Vote 10-0-3

        2. Questions for them:

          1. Can you send us the reservation of the room?

      1. Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers “Salsa Night” October 10, 6pm @ Rec Multipurpose Room - Jhossep and Jessica

        1. Notes:

  • Event will help org members de-stress from classes.

  • There will be a guest that will perform during the event.

  • There will be a 45 minute class for all levels, then a 30 minutes social dance.

  • ~45 people we are ordering for.

  • Fees have changed compared to last year to improve the event vibe. If someone cannot pay the $10 fee then we will pay it for them so they can have fun.

  • - Projected event attendance: 40-45

  • open for all

        1. Questions:

          1. What is the fee for?

          2. -Go to annual funds; fund everyday meeting, food budgets, conference trips, to help run the organization. Fee is not for event.

          3. - Advertising Fee?

          4. - Will advertise on BuffConnect, printing fees will come from CSI. BOLD Center will also help.

          5. - Food?

          6. - We want to provide food because we believe it will add to a good environment for the event. It will also be dinnertime for a lot of people so they will be hungry.

        2. Cultural Relevance Statement: Goal is to bring Latin and Mexican culture to campus. Would like to have an event that helps push people out of their comfort zones and encourages them to dance. We want to encourage org members to interact and network during the event.

          1. Move to approve Society of Hispanic Engineers for Cultural Relevance

            1. Vote 12-0-1

        3. Questions for them:

  1. Are 45 tacos sufficient amount for the amount of attendees?

  2. Can you give us a quote for beverages since it is not listed on your budget?

  3. Are you going to be needing utensils for the events? (Cups, plates,etc)

  4. Would you be needing more money for advertising?

  5. Where will you be advertising?

      1. Buffs for Body Positivity “Allyship in the Body Positivity Movement” October 16, 6pm @ TBD - Christina and Maya

        1. Notes:

  • Sweaty Sundays: a way for people to connect and get off campus

  • Fat Talks: bring in a mental health professional that helps with negative thoughts and promoting self love

  • Body Positivity Week : Pop up Chap Monday- Will take place at UMC Fountain where you dress up how you want.

  • Wants to have Lizzo perform at CU. Christina will talk to the org about having Lizzo on campus and conflicts and requirements that creates.

  • If Lizzo doesn’t work for the fall, we would like to continue to work CEB to have her in the spring.

  • The backup plan is to have former CU Boulder football player, plus- size ultra runner, or founder of Outdoor Voices.

  • Moderator will be Olivia from CUSG.

  • Location for Panel will be in a classroom on campus like CHEM 140.

      1. Questions:

-Who would we talk to more about raising money and bringing Lizzo?

-CEB is more than willing to collaborate, but your org would need to solidify facts and bring it to the board so we can discuss it further.

-Looking for funding for the panel in the fall mainly.

        1. Have you contacted the panel speakers?

          1. Yes, however everything is still in the works. We would still have to continue the process and solidify deals.

        2. Everything on campus is reserved.

        3. Advertising?

          1. Funding from SOAC.

      1. Cultural Relevance Statement: Rejecting the idea that we have to look a certain way through speakers that promote body positivity in the form of a panel.

        1. Move to approve Buffs for Body Positivity for Cultural Relevance

          1. Vote 12-0-1

      2. Questions for them:

        1. Can you solidify quotes for the speakers?

        2. Can you solidify the venue?

  1. Old Business

    1. None, happy first meeting!!!!!!!!

  1. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor

      1. No update

    2. Leg Council

    3. CUSG Liaison

    4. Webmaster

      1. No update

    5. Social Media Coordinator

      1. None

    6. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Hope you guys had a great summer!

      2. Sorry about the liaisons assignment :)

      3. If you have any questions about the liaisons please ask me!

      4. You are the face of CEB; please try to meet your orgs in person and stay on top of your responsibilities.

    7. Speakers Coordinator

      1. Looking at Speakers and sent out letters to agents; will get an update soon.

    8. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. No Updates

    9. Marketing Coordinator

      1. No updates

    10. Secretary/Historian

      1. No Update

    11. Chair

      1. Executive meetings twice a month

      2. Officers please stay behind.

  1. Adjourn

    1. 9:36 pm