Meeting Minutes 10/5/2020
Call to Order
Roll Call
Present: Anuja, Ben, Hayden, Jemil, Jhossep, Tania, Maya, Christina Chambers
Late: Chidera, Ken
Open Hearing
Approval of the Minutes
Approval of the Agenda
New Business
I am your meeting time
Interviewers for PL Event, October 21st
Tania - Congratulations!
Ken- Congratulations!
New member application review (60 min)
How many people would we like to bring in for interviews? (Can be all of our applicants or a smaller number.)
How many people are graduating this semester?
How many people would we like to accept?
Minimum 4
Probably a max of 6
(any pronouns are fine)
Religious Studies Department Representative GPSG
She can work if not paid by two entities
Committed to a lot of organizations
Grad Student, Teaching Assistant, GPSG
Has experience in event planning
Possesses experience in media advertising
Enjoyed culinary interactive idea
Can express new perspective and opinions as a grad student
Is she paid by GPSG.CUSG?
Is Anbareen able to work for two entities if paid by CUSG?
How do you plan to manage your time if confirmed on the CEB Board?
Do you have any ideas to make events more interactive or creative on zoom or online?
She has attended previous CEB events
Viola Davis
Waited until she had time to commit to CEB
Reflects on her experience in a conservative town as a whitepassing Jew
Mentioned a plethora of people she would like to see speak
Appears she understands the speaker aspect of CEB
How has studying Arabic shaped your learning experience?
How do you plan to manage your time if confirmed on the CEB Board?
Do you have any ideas to make events more interactive or creative on zoom or online?
*She has applied before
Could not make the interview the first time
Appreciated vulnerability in her childhood growing up in a Alaska from a Korean home
Detailed answers on speakers she would like to bring
Named George Floyd’s brother as a speaker
A lot of thought went into her answer
Graduates next semester
How do you plan to manage your time if confirmed on the CEB Board?
Do you have reliable access to wifi?
Do you have any ideas to make events more interactive or creative on zoom or online?
Is an immigrant and grew up in a diverse neighborhood, was able to have different cultural experiences when young
Very involved at CU - VSA
Multicultural groups
Has been to events CEB has funded
Was vague on answer about which speakers to bring
How do you plan to manage your time if confirmed on the CEB Board?
Do you have any specific speakers, performers, activists you would like to see at CU Campus?
What year are you and what time are you planning to graduate?
Do you have any ideas to make events more interactive or creative on zoom or online?
Could bring a really interesting global perspective
Part of a lot of student organizations- 6
Founder of WonderBundle of Joy
Provides newborn kit essentials to families
They are a first year
Spoke to someone they knew about CEB
Chose cool speakers for events
*Event on ableism
More conversations on accessibility
How do you plan to manage your time if confirmed on the CEB Board?
Do you have any ideas to make events more interactive or creative on zoom or online?
*SOAC Board member
A member of LSG (Task Lead)
Diverse background - Italian and Nigerian, but searches for more diverse experiences
Well involved
Interests are very diverse
Wish he included a fun fact :(
I appreciated his speaker choice Tyler Mitchell
Diligent, and brings a unique perspective
Second year 2023
How do you plan to manage your time if confirmed on the CEB Board?
Do you have any ideas to make events more interactive or creative on zoom or online?
2nd year
Appreciated his idea of providing spotlight for third party candidates
Involved in the Jewish community, Board member of Hillel
Resume seems a little unorganized, or not updated
May need to work on work ethic
Wants to advocate against injustice
How do you plan to manage your time if confirmed on the CEB Board?
Do you have any ideas to make events more interactive or creative on zoom or online?
Which CEB event did you attend and what were some of your takeaways from it?
What were your responsibilities in Hillel and how can that help or contribute to responsibilities on the Board?
*First to like CEB posts, dedicated and determined
Half Jewish, half Christian, can provide great perspective
Has attended current events
Had reflections on BLM event and the involvement of the LGBTQ+ community
Interesting thoughts on racism in the outdoor community
Understood disparity and relates it to her own working experience
How do you plan to manage your time if confirmed on the CEB Board?
Do you have any ideas to make events more interactive or creative on zoom or online?
Do you have any specific speakers, performers, activists you would like to see at CU Campus?
How have your volunteering experiences influenced you?
How do you engage with historically marginalized populations?
(50 min)
Old Business
Second Funding Cycle
SHPE and UMAS y MECHA “ACTIVATE SLAM Poetry Workshops & Open Mic,” November 7th-9th - Anuja and Thy
In the process of planning a meeting with Jamey
They asked how to view their budget in the new BuffConnect- how do we upload it?
Elijah McClain Event
Update: Stacey Abrahms sent and decide what we want to do with the video (there are comments about voting)
Waiting on answer from Macky, otherwise no updates
Officer Reports
October event
Created the registration form
Hoping to announce the event this week (uggghhh...the contract)
S/o to Tania and Maya for working on the marketing
Emailed about closed captioning
Leg Council
Rep Council amended statement on how many people students can be around in regards to safety
CUSG Liaison
Still working on it
Training on Wednesday morning.
Social Media Coordinator
FAQ campaign started today so if anyone has questions on how we work, how to get funding, or who we are it’s all there!
Student Outreach Coordinator
Sending email updates either tonight or tomorrow and include survey of time
Speakers Coordinator
Thank you all for coming up with questions for the event.
Assistant Speakers Coordinator
There will be a Pero Like Dialogue event 10/20 - We are planning to reach out to orgs
Marketing Coordinator
Posters and Social media!
PL interviewers, let’s set up a time to meet. Please put your availability below.
Tania - M/W: after 12:30, T/TH: after 3:45, F: after 11:20
Ken - M/W from 11:10-1:50, Friday (the best day):
In the process of recovering from strep : )
Had someone from CU Denver’s ASA reach out to us and ask how to plan events as cool as ours- just a reminder of how important the work we do is!
Adjourn - 8:14 PM