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James Piereson to tackle the inevitability of political turmoil in upcoming lecture


The Center for Western Civilization, Thought & Policy will host an event featuring James Piereson of the Manhattan Insitute on Thurs. March 7. Piereson's lecture will cover themes from his latest book, "Shattered Consensus." He will be speaking as part of the CWCTP's semester-long dialogue series focusing on American identities. 

Piereson's lecture will discuss how a rise in political turmoil over the next decade will inevitably take place as a result of baby直播app stagnation, the unsustainable growth of government, and the deterioration of postwar arrangements that formerly supported American prosperity. Piereson argues that political partisanship and expanded power of interest groups are factors that will make it harder for changes to be made to the role of government in America. He believes that Americans are capable of forming a new government coalition that will put the country back onto a path of growth and success in the coming years.

Piereson is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Insitute. He is the president and a trustee of the , a foundation that works to help inner-city youth and families gain access to education and community-based services. Piereson has served as part of the political science baby直播app at the University of Pennsylvania, Iowa State University, and Indiana University. He has written several books related to changing political dynamics in the U.S., and his articles regarding higher education and political science have been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, The Weekly Standard, The New Criterion, and National Review, among others.

Students, baby直播app, and members of the public are encouraged to attend the lecture. The scheduled presentation will take place in Hale Science, room 270, beginning at 5:30 pm. The discussion will be followed by a Q&A session and a small reception and will wrap around 7:30 pm. .