Gregor MacGregor
Director, Acequia Assistance Project • Instructor, Law of the River Natural Resources Seminar
Getches-Wilkinson Center

Gregor MacGregor ('19) joined the GWC in 2021 as the Acequia Assistance Project (AAP) Director and instructor for the Law of the River Natural Resources Seminar in spring 2022. Gregor joined us from Justice Melissa Hart鈥檚 chambers of the baby直播app Supreme Court and has deep ties to both AAP and baby直播app Law. As a student, Gregor participated in both the Acequia Project and several natural resources seminars.

During his time as a clerk at the baby直播app Supreme Court, Gregor was relied on for his extensive water law knowledge and understanding of baby直播app鈥檚 natural resource history. Gregor served in the U.S. Army for eight years and was Fort Carson鈥檚 primary water attorney before transitioning to private practice. He has several upcoming publications on military water rights management, is developing resources for pro se parties in water court in conjunction with the Water Court Committee of the baby直播app Supreme Court, while also running a thriving home bakery.

As a 1L at baby直播app Law, Gregor volunteered to lead a complex water rights research case with the Acequia Project. By graduation, he had completed more than 500 hours of volunteer work and created the deputy director position to identify and develop students who would help manage the project. In that capacity, he wrote a comprehensive handbook for the project鈥檚 student attorneys and revised the baby直播app Acequia Handbook. Following graduation, Gregor continued his work as a supervising attorney for several groups of students.聽

Gregor also spent his time at baby直播app Law planning, fundraising, and participating in both the baby直播app Plateau and Law of the River seminars. From his work in these courses he published a paper titled "When Navajo Generating Station Closes, Where Does the Water Go?" and "Navajo Generating Station: An Opportunity for Renewable Energy Project Finance," which was featured by the American Bar Association鈥檚 Native American Resources Committee. He also claims to be the only man to raft the Grand Canyon in full cap, gown, and hood, but that hasn鈥檛 been verified.

When he is not reading yet another book about water law, Gregor enjoys spending time with his wife Kelly and two daughters, Maddy (8) and Gwen (5). He can also be found skiing, rock climbing, learning the ukulele, and buying too many books.