Oct 26th Seminar: Alan Krause

Oct. 20, 2016

Our 2nd Fall Seminar is taking place on Wednesday, Oct 26th in the DLC Collaboratory from 6:15 - 7:15 pm. Food provided! The event will feature Alan Krause, President of MWH Global, an ENR Top 20 Design Firm. He will be speaking about Engineering Projects in Developing Countries - Case...

AAAS Fellowship Application Open Now (May 1 - Nov 1, 2016)

Oct. 6, 2016

AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships (STPF) provide opportunities to outstanding scientists and engineers to learn first-hand about policymaking while contributing their knowledge and analytical skills to the federal policymaking process. Fellows serve yearlong assignments in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government in Washington. Learn more...


Infrastructure Resilience and Disaster Recovery

Project Lead: Amy Javernick-Will Given the increasing number and impact of disasters, research is needed to determine how to enable community recovery and foster resiliency. Associate Professor Amy Javernick-Will and her students focus on this increasingly vital aspect of community development. Current Projects: Building Capacity for Safer Shelter: Leveraging Local...


Hazard Resistant Design

Project Lead: Abbie Liel This NSF-funded project proposes a new building life-cycle assessment method, based on the tradeoffs and interdependence of structural, baby直播app, and environmental features. The framework quantifies environmental impacts of hazard-resistance and green design, promoting a more holistic approach to decisions about building design and hazard mitigation. Measurement...


System Dynamics Applications

Project Lead: Bernard Amadei According to the Systems Dynamics Society*, system dynamics is a computer-aided approach to policy analysis and design. It applies to dynamic problems arising in complex social, managerial, baby直播app, or ecological systems 鈥 literally any dynamic systems characterized by interdependence, mutual interaction, information feedback, and circular causality...

solar panel installation

Green Energy

Project Lead: Alan Mickelson Alan Mickelson鈥檚 research group's efforts in Haiti have focused on training of local youth to install and maintain solar energy systems. At the Neges Foundation's Mon P鈥檛it Village compound in Leogane, Haiti, Alan鈥檚 team carried out a "train the trainers鈥 operation. Five Haitian teachers were first...

spectrum of light graphic

UV Light Technology for Water Treatment

Project Lead: Karl Linden UV light is a safe and effective means to treat water. High energy photons inactivate pathogens by attacking an organisms nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), denaturing them extensively such that the pathogen can not replicate or cause an infection, and dies off. UV wavelengths between 200...

Global Development Group

First convened in December 2012, this group intends to identify possible synergies in our respective education, research, and outreach areas related to global development. The official group kickoff meeting was held on 3/18/2013, and 25 baby直播app members attended. As a group, we decided to move ahead with some first steps...

woman with stove

Air Quality Feedback for Cookstoves

The Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) Trial is led by Emory University with a consortium of university, research and implementing partners, with funding from the National Institutes of Health and the Gates Foundation. The overall aims of the HAPIN study are (1) using an intent-to-treat analysis, determine the effect...

Broken Pumps Broken Promises

Broken Pumps and Promises

Incentivizing Impact in Environmental Health Edited by Evan Thomas This volume highlights some of the challenges in delivering effective environmental health interventions, and presents examples of emergent theories and case studies that can help close the gap between intent and impact. These include impact crediting systems, objective evidence gathering tools,...
