Course: Flow Visualization: A Course in the Physics and Art of Fluid Flow
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Professor: Jean Hertzberg
Course description: Anybody who has paid attention to patterns formed while stirring milk into coffee has participated in flow visualization. It is the process of making the physics of fluid flows — gases and liquids — visible. Designed for engineering, fine arts photography and video students, the class explores techniques for creating images of fluid flows.
Course website:
Video link:
Abbreviated reading list:
Gavin Pretor-Pinney’s The Cloudspotter’s Guide(ʱ/ʱԲܾ)
A.J. Smits and T.T. Lim’s Flow Visualization Techniques and Examples (Imperial College Press)
Hertzberg says: “Development of this course has been the most profound teaching experience of my career. For the first time, I found that my course had an impact; students came out with changed perceptions, really being able to ‘see’ the world around them in a
different way.”