The sponsor-specific guidance below applies to proposals for, and awards issued as, federal financial assistance (grants and cooperative agreements).

On this page:

Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Department of Defense

Due dates of progress reports for currently active DOD awards (active as of 3/24/2020) may be submitted up to 3 months beyond the normal due date. For any other deliverables related to research awards, contact the DOE program manager and/or grants manager. No-cost extensions should be supported by program offices in all possible cases; statutory funding limits will still apply.

DOD funds awarded under DOI awards should follow the DOD implementation.

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

This is a special notice for recipients of DARPA grants and cooperative agreements. Due to the response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), recipients of grants and cooperative agreements have temporary flexibilities and relaxed requirements related to their grants and cooperative agreements. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memo M-20-17 (dated March 19, 2020) allows for these temporary flexibilities and relaxed requirements for a period of 90 days from the date of its memo. Please read the OMB memo and DoD's specific carefully, and email any questions to your Grants Officer.

Office of Naval Research

ONR Research Performance Progress Reports are normally due 6/15/2020; reports submitted after this date will not be deemed late but must be submitted by 8/15/2020. For all grants scheduled to end between 3/31/2020 and December 31, 2020, ONR will issue a one-year NCE; final reports for these awards will be within 120 days of the new end date. For grants that ended prior to 3/31/2020 and with a final report due dates after 3/19/2020, these reports may be submitted up to one year later.

Army Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP)

(4/1/2020) Awardees may delay submission of financial, performance and other reports on currently active awards for up to 3 months beyond the normal due date; contact the grants officer and grants officer's representative for extensions on other deliverables.

USAMRAA’s Supplemental Guidance on Administrative Flexibilities for Grants and Cooperative Agreements in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

Air Force Office of Scientific Research

AFOSR has recognized the potential need for no-cost extensions for projects impacted by COVID-19. For grants active as of 3/31/2020 and scheduled to expire prior or up to 12/31/2020, awardees may request a NCE of up to 12 months. All requests must be submitted by OSR to the program officer and grants officer. NCEs are not effective until CU Boulder receives a formal amendment to the award.

National Institutes of Health

NIH is the first federal agency to issue detailed guidance; it did so prior to OMB's instruction to federal agencies referenced above. Please see the following NIH webpage which pulls together its various guidance documents: 

In summary: Progress reports may be submitted late if delayed due to COVID-19, but the PI must contact the program official prior to the due date to let them know that the report will be late. Subsequent funding decisions by NIH may be late as a result of late progress reports.

National Science Foundation

NSF is the first agency to issue guidance following the OMB instruction referenced above on their Ìı±è²¹²µ±ğ.

In summary: NSF has extended the due date of all annual and final project reports, due between March 1 and April 30, 2020, by 30 days; the same applies to Project Outcomes Reports. New awards or supplemental funding will be delayed by NSF until all required reports are submitted. 

(4/1/2020) Prior approval requirements, except for those identified in the NSF implementation, are waived.

National Aeronautics & Space Administration

NASA Awards: Financial, performance and other reports may be submitted up to 3 months beyond the normal due date. However, awardees must notify their program and grant officers if they intend to take this action. Report reminders will continue to be issued by NASA based on the original due date.

Department of Energy

In summary: DOE Awards: (4/1/2020) Grantees must inform the DOE contract officer if they need an extension to any reporting due date. DOE may authorize extensions of up to 3 months. Before issuing continuing awards, program Offices may request a statement from awardees that they are prepared to continue work on the project.

Department of Interior (including USGS)

DOI has stated that for awards it issues from its own funds, DOI is implementing the OMB Memorandum M-20-17. Please see individual program announcements for deadlines. 

DOI has stated that for awards it issues from DOD, DOI is implementing DOD guidance to grantees (see below). 

Repository for Guidance Related to Federal Contracts

The management of federal contracts is as required by the contract's terms and conditions. PIs who need administrative relief from a contract's performance requirements as a result of COVID-19 events must discuss their situation directly with the responsible program officer.