Below is a list of all CCCS to CU Boulder equivalent courses that apply to Humanities and Social Science (H&SS) requirements for all majors in the College of Engineering and Applied Science.Ìý

  • Each major in the College of Engineering and Applied Science requires 15 credits of H&SS coursework, of which six credits must be upper-division.Ìý
  • Any GT-Pathways course under the following designations (AH1, AH2, AH3, AH4, HI1, SS1, SS2, SS3) will also apply to H&SS coursework, even though they may not appear in the list below.
  • Students pursuing a Computer Science (B.S. degree): Additional to the H&SS requirements, please see the table for approved courses that satisfyÌýthe Logic and Ethics requirements (noted with #)
  • Classes shown in boldÌýwill apply to College of Engineering upper-division H&SS requirements only.ÌýIf you change majors outside of engineering, other colleges have different rules that may apply.ÌýÌý

Community College Transfer Course Numbers - H&SS for the College of Engineering and Applied Science

Ìý³§³Ü²úÂá±ð³¦³Ù Number Credits Course Title
ARA 1011 5 Arabic Language I
ARA 1102 5 Arabic Language II
ART 1111 3 Art History - Ancient/Medieval
ART 1112 3 Art History - Renaissance 1900
´¡¸é°ÕÌý 1110 3 Art Appreciation
ASL 1123 5 American Sign Language III
COM 2300 3 Intercultural Communication
CHI 2012 5 Chinese Language IV
ECO 2001 3 Principles of MacrobabyÖ±²¥apps
ECO 2002 3 Principles of MicrobabyÖ±²¥apps
ECO 2045 3 Environmental Economics
ENG 1021 3 English Composition I
ENG 1022 3 English Composition II
ETH 2012 3 African-American Studies
FRE 1011 5 French Language I
FRE 1012 5 French Language II
FRE 2011 3 French Language III
GEO 1005 3 World Regional Geography
GEO 1006 3 Human Geography
GER 1011 5 German Language I
GER 1012 5 German Language II
GER 2011 3 German Language III
GRK 1006 5 Beginning Ancient Greek II
HIS 1310 3 Western Civilization: Antiquity-1650
HIS 1320 3 Western Civilization: 1650-Present
HIS 1210 3 US History to Reconstruction
HIS 1220 3 US History since Civil War
HIS 2200 3 History of Latin America
HIS 2310 3 Christianity Thru Reform
±á±õ³§Ìý 2120 3 US Foreign Relations History
HUM 1021 3 Survey of Humanities
ITA 1011 5 Italian Language I
ITA 1012 5 Italian Language II
JPN 1011 5 Japanese Language I
JPN 1012 5 Japanese Language II
JPN 2011+2012 5 Japanese Language III
LAT 1011 5 Latin I
LAT 1012 5 Latin II
LIT 2005 3 Ethnic Literature
LIT 2011 3 American Literature I
LIT 2021 3 British Literature I
MUS 1020 3 Music Appreciation
MUS 1023 3 Survey of World Music
²Ñ±«³§Ìý 1025 3 History of Jazz
MUS 1026 3 History of American Pop Music
PHI 1011 3 Introduction to Philosophy
PHI 1012 3 Ethics #
PHI 1013 3 Logic #
PHI 1015 3 World Religions
PHI 2014 3 Philosophy of Religion
PHI 2018 3 Environmental Ethics
POS 1011 3 American Government
POS 2005 3 International Relations
POS 2025 3 Comparative Politics
PSY 1001+1002 3 General Psychology
PSY 2106 3 Psychology for Women
PSY 2221 3 Social Psychology
PSY 2220 3 Dynamics of Racism & Prejudice
RUS 1011 5 Russian Language I
RUS 1012 5 Russian Language II
RUS 2011 3 Russian Language III
RUS 2012 3 Russian Language IV
SOC 1001 3 Introduction to Sociology
³§°¿°äÌý 2007 3 Environmental Sociology
³§°¿°äÌý 2016 3 Sociology of Gender
SOC 2031 3 Sociology of Deviant Behavior
SPA 1011 5 Spanish Language I
SPA 1012 5 Spanish Language II
SPA 2011 3 Spanish Language III
WST 2000 3 Introduction to Women`s Studies
WST 2200 3 Goddess & Women in the Ancient World

This list is not comprehensive.ÌýThere may be additional courses that will count from the babyÖ±²¥app Community College System, but will require additional approval with your intended major.ÌýPlease check with your intended major’s academic advisor for any course not on this pre-approved list.Ìý