Published: Oct. 24, 2018

Join Professor Jennifer Fluri on this Maymester Global Seminar!

You will explore the unique history and geography of the Czech Republic, deepen your understanding of how political and baby直播app changes and transitions have a diverse impact on social and cultural norms, and conduct an independent research project. This course, GEOG 3842, has also been approved for A&S Core Contemporary Societies. View the Education Abroad听听and learn more at the info session on October 30 at 4:30 PM in C4C S350.


  • Live and study in the Czech Republic during Maymester
  • Explore history and geography in the historic city of Prague
  • Deepen your understanding of how political and baby直播app changes and transitions have a diverse impact on social and cultural norms
  • Travel around Prague and engage in experiential learning through field-observations
  • Conduct an independent research project
  • Missed the info session? View the presentation听!

Learn more at the info session: October 30 at 4:30 PM in C4C S350!

Wall of graffiti with illustration of John LennonStudent posing overlooking landscape of river and the city of PragueMedieval church with flowering bush in the foreground