Teaching Excellence Spotlight - Paige Massey

Aug. 30, 2021

Paige Massey is a third year PhD student studying Philosophy. Her research focuses on epistemology—the study of knowledge and rational belief—with particular interests in evidentialism and issues related to the ethics of belief more broadly; she has secondary research interests in ethics, especially the effective altruism movement. Paige was recently...

Teaching Excellence Spotlight - MarĂ­a J. RuĂ­z-MartĂ­nez

Aug. 30, 2021

MarĂ­a J. RuĂ­z-MartĂ­nez is a fifth year PhD student studying Education. Her research sits at the intersection of education, ethnic studies, and linguistics and examines how diasporic translingual youth use visual culture production to learn and teach across home, school, and community contexts. MarĂ­a was recently awarded a Teaching Excellence...

Teaching Excellence Spotlight - Jone Brunelle

Aug. 30, 2021

Jone Brunelle is a fourth year PhD student studying Communication. Her research focuses on conceptualizations of culture and ethnic, national, and cultural identities, and the role of language in socially constructing these category boundaries. Jone was recently awarded a Teaching Excellence Award based on her teaching philosophy and dedication to...

Teaching Excellence Spotlight - Kellie Brownlee

Aug. 30, 2021

Kellie Brownlee is a fourth year PhD student studying Communication. Her research focuses on applied ethnography, cultural discourses, and community organizations working with marginalized groups. Kellie was recently awarded a Teaching Excellence Award based on her teaching philosophy and dedication to her students. We asked Kellie a few questions to...

Teaching Excellence Spotlight - Elizabeth Embry

Aug. 30, 2021

Elizabeth Embry is a 5th year PhD student studying Entrepreneurship. With a background in public health and sustainability, Beth’s research interests focus on the entrepreneurial opportunities to address the pressing social issues of our time. Her dissertation specifically examines the intersection of sustainability, health, and business in the built environment...

Teaching Excellence Spotlight - Sandra Ortiz-València

Aug. 30, 2021

Sandra Ortiz-València is a 3rd year PhD student studying Spanish. Her research focuses on how cultural production shapes and supports racial identity. Sandra was recently awarded a Teaching Excellence Award based on her teaching philosophy and dedication to her students. We asked Sandra a few questions to learn more about...

Teaching Excellence Spotlight - Mckenzie Dice

June 28, 2021

Mckenzie Dice is a 3rd year PhD student studying Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. Her research focuses on the Antarctic atmospheric boundary layer. In the future she is interested in working in government to help address climate change. Mckenzie was recently awarded a Teaching Excellence Award based on her teaching philosophy...

Teaching Excellence Spotlight - Tiffany Beebe

June 23, 2021

Tiffany Beebe is a 6th year PhD student studying History. Her research focuses on modern Britain and Europe and she is interested in migration and refugee studies, gender and sexuality, and empire. Tiffany was recently awarded a Teaching Excellence Award based on her teaching philosophy and dedication to her students...

Teaching Excellence Spotlight - Matt Hartsock

June 23, 2021

Matt Hartsock is a PhD student studying Neuroscience. His research focuses on circadian rhythms in emotional memory and emotion regulation in rats. Matt was recently awarded a Teaching Excellence Award based on his teaching philosophy and dedication to his students. We asked Matt a few questions to learn more about...

2021 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award Winners

April 29, 2021

The Graduate and Professional Student Government is pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award. During this inaugural award year, we received 12 applications and awarded 5 awards with 3 honorable mentions. We will post more about the award recipients this summer so you can...
