Photo of a girl laying on a bed of lush grass.

3 ways to tell if your self-care plan is actually working

It can be hard to know what self-care is supposed to look like. Here are some ways to tell if your self-care plan is actually working for you (and what to do if it’s not).

Photo of two students hanging out at a lunch table on a nice day.

Treat yo’ self: Self-care tips for finals week

The end of the academic year can be challenging for many students, but there are many tools and resources available to help support you. Here are some tips for navigating finals by replenishing your mind, body and soul.

Photo of a student studying at a cafe with a latte.

5 must-try tips to reduce stress over finals

The good news: fall semester is almost over! The bad news: finals week is here. Check out these must-try tips to reduce stress and practice self-care around finals.

Photo of a group of students posing for a picture with the flash on.

4 ways to look out for your friends this weekend

De-stressing and letting loose with friends can be fun. Here are some tips to make sure you and your friends make it home safe this weekend.

Photo of a person demonstrating how naloxone nasal spray works.

4 things everyone should know about naloxone

Knowing when and how to use naloxone can save lives. Here are a few things to know about overdose prevention and naloxone availability on campus.

Photo of a person inserting their debit card into an ATM machine.

7 tips for creating an effective budget

Budgeting can be daunting, especially if it’s your first time managing your own finances. Here are a few simple steps you can take to create an effective budget.

Photo of a young woman holding up a coffee while smiling.

5 ways to feel awake without caffeine

Do you feel reliant on caffeine to make it through the day? Here are a few tips to help you stay energized throughout the day without caffeine.

Photo of a person snuggled up with a dog, a book and cozy socks.

5 ways to make self-care easier over winter break

While students are on break, it can still be a stressful time for staff and babyÖ±²¥app. Here are some simplified self-care tips that can help you take care of yourself this winter.

Overhead photo of a person scrolling through news articles on their phone.

4 ways to cope if you feel overwhelmed by current events

It can be tempting to give in to endless scrolling on social media or new sites. Here are four things you can do if you’re feeling overwhelmed by current events or the state of the world.

Girl talking on her cell phone.

How to make the most of a tough conversation

The year is coming to a close, and we may find ourselves having tough conversations with our family or friends. Here are some tips to help you get through tough conversations over break.
