Published: Feb. 21, 2023


My name is William Mitchner and I am a PhD student working under the supervisions of Dr. Patrick Murphy in the Counseling Education and Supervision Department at the University of Memphis. I am seeking participants for a research study, Mental Health Counseling: A Qualitative Exploration of Working with Arabic Students in a Cultural, Religious, and Ethnically Humble Way. The research study looks at the perceptions and needs of counselling with Arabic-speaking students. We are currently seeking volunteers from universities as participants in this study.

Participation in this study involves meeting with William Mitchner through Zoom for a 60-90-minute interview that will discuss your perceptions on counseling. I would like to assure you that the research study has been reviewed and received clearance through a University of Memphis IRB panel. However, the final decision about participation is yours.

The following time slots are available to participate in this study. All times listed are in .

  • Mondays: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Tuesdays: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Wednesdays: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Thursday through Sunday: Completely open

If you are interested in participating, please contact me at and list your top three choices for when you would like to participate from the list above. I will then send a confirmation email indicating that you have been signed up for one of those times and provide you with further information concerning the location of the study. If you must cancel your appointment, please email me at


William B MItchner

Ed.S., M.S., CNP