Engineers Without Borders: An Empirical Investigation of Member’s Defining Characteristics

Knight, D., Litchfield, K., and Javernick-Will, A. (2014). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ​Frontiers in Education Conference, Madrid, Spain. doi: 10.1109/FIE.2014.7044322

Characterizing and Understanding the Growing Population of Socially Engaged Engineers through Engineers Without Borders-USA

Litchfield, K. (2014). Dissertation, University of babyÖ±²¥app Boulder.

The Use and Misuse of 'Gender' and 'Sex' Terminologies in Civil Engineering Literature

Poleacovschi, C. and Javernick-Will, A. (2014). American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN.

Collaborative Research: Gender Diversity, Identity and EWB-USA

Litchfield, K., Javernick-Will, A., and Leslie, C. (2014). American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. Indianapolis, IN.

Education Without Borders: Exploring the Achievement of ABET Learning Outcomes through Engineers Without Borders-USA

Litchfield, K., Javernick-Will, A., and Knight, D. (2014). American Society of Engineering Education International Forum, Indianapolis, IN.

Distinguishing Engineers of the Future: Comparisons with EWB-USA Members

Litchfield, K., Javernick-Will, A., Knight, D., and Leslie, C. (2014). American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. Indianapolis, IN.

Exploring EWB-USA Members’ Descriptions of Self, Engineers, and their Fellow Members

Litchfield, K., Javernick-Will, A., and Paterson, K. (2014). International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering. 9 (1), 24-39. doi: 10.24908/ijsle.v9i1.5258

A New Vision: Changed Engineering Outcome Expectations through EWB-USA

Litchfield, K. and Javernick-Will, A. (2013). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Frontiers in Education Conference. Oklahmoa City, OK. doi: 10.1109/FIE.2013.6685119

Investigating Gains from EWB-USA Involvement

Litchfield, K., and Javernick-Will, A. (2014). Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 140 (1), 04013008. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541.0000181

Exploring Motivations for Engineers Without Borders-USA

Litchfield, K. and Javernick-Will, A. (2013). Engineering Project Organization Conference. Granby, CO.
