Katherine Demuth gives talk on bilingualism

June 25, 2018

We are pleased to welcome Katherine Demuth (Macquarie University). Below are the details. Title: On becoming bilingual: L1 and L2 input effects on early sequential bilinguals' developing knowledge of grammar Wednesday, June 27th 2:00pm Fleming 279 Abstract : Many studies have reported on the language and cognitive abilities of balanced...

Miikka Silfverberg gives LingCircle talk on neural models

April 30, 2018

Miikka Silfverberg , who is currently a post-doctoral scholar in the CLEAR group here at CU-Boulder, will give the last LingCircle talk of the semester, sharing his work on neural modeling. Neural Models for Word Inflection and Phonology Monday, April 30, 2018 3:00-4:30pm Linguistics Conference Room (Hellems 285) Abstract: Numerous...

Jalon Begay gives talk on Navajo Word Formation

April 10, 2018

In April, the Department was pleased to welcome Jalon Begay (University of New Mexico and University of Rochester). He gave a LingCircle talk about his work on word formation in Navajo. He noted that of four mountains traditionally taken as markers of the boundaries of Diné territory, two are located...

Evangelia Adamou gives talk on language contact in Mexico

April 6, 2018

Evangelia (Lila) Adamou , Senior Researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), visited CU to share her work on Romani-Spanish bilinguals in Mexico. Simplification and Complexification Processes in Language Contact: Evidence from the Romani-Spanish Bilinguals in Mexico Friday, April 20 3:00-4:30 Special location: Hellems 137 Abstract: Several...

Lynne Murphy gives talk on American and British Englishes

March 21, 2018

Lynne Murphy (Professor of Linguistics at the University of Sussex) visited CU-Boulder to share her research on American and British varieties of English. "Separated by a Common Language?: The complicated relationship between American & British English". When: Monday, April 16th, 4:00-6:00PM Where: Hellems 199 Refreshments will be served! Co-sponsored by...

William Croft gives LingCircle talk on tense and modality

March 6, 2018

Professor William Croft (Department of Linguistics, University of New Mexico) gave a LingCircle talk entitled: "A mental space analysis of tense and modality: A progress report". See below for details. Monday, March 12th 4:00-5:30 PM Clare Small 209 Abstract : This talk presents a progress report on developing a mental...

Undergraduate Workshop on Careers in Linguistics!

Feb. 12, 2018

Please join us for a very special Career Workshop , designed specifically for undergraduates who are majoring or minoring in Linguistics! Day/Time: Monday, February 19th, 4:00-5:30PM Location: Hellems 267 The workshop will be led by Dr. Anna Marie Trester , who is currently employed at the FrameWorks Institute. Dr. Trester...

Dr. Agnès Celle gives LingCircle talk on "Surprise in Questions"

Jan. 30, 2018

Dr. Agnès Celle (Paris Diderot University) will kick off our Spring line-up of LingCircle talks by presenting her work on "Surprise in Questions", which draws on Conversation Analysis, Construction Grammar, and typological research on evidentiality and mirativity. Dr. Celle is visiting our department as a Marie Curie fellow this year...

Holly Keily (University at Buffalo) gives LingCircle talk on gesture

Dec. 6, 2017

Holly Keily (Ph.D. Candidate in Linguistics, University at Buffalo) will give a LingCircle talk on Monday, December 11th (4:00-5:30pm in Hellems 237). The title/abstract of her talk is found below: Representational gesture when it’s not expected: Can referent characteristics predict gesture? Speakers gesture at varied rates, influenced by the discourse...

Oana David speaks on computational metaphor research

Nov. 3, 2017

Oana David will give two talks on November 15th, co-sponsored by the Department of Linguistics , the Institute of Cognitive Science , and the Program in Culture, Language, and Social Practice . The details are as follows: CLASP Lunch (12:30-1:30 in Hellems 285) : 'Cancer is a tumultuous journey: A...
