Fall 2017, 2nd place prize winner

Blog Post 1

My buddy is the sweetest boy from New Zealand named 芒鈧淪ebastian芒鈧劉, however he prefers to go by 芒鈧淪eb芒鈧劉. He is really well balanced child because he loves to do a little bit of everything, we read, draw, play games, and sometimes just walk around the library. As for the reading, he loves the 芒鈧淓lephant and Piggie芒鈧劉 books, he thinks they are hilarious and often laughs when we read them. However, recently Mary showed us a scary halloween book titled 芒鈧淶ombie Baseball Beat Down芒鈧 and it is a chapter book, but Seb is very interested in it, and we have read a chapter a week for the past two weeks. He was gone this past week, so we did not get to develop his character for his story yet, but I think that will be easy for him considering how curious and outgoing he is. His favorite spot to read in the library is by the fish tank, and between 芒鈧淓lephant and Piggie芒鈧劉 and the chapter book, we read a lot of books about sports, specifically the hockey team in baby直播app. Seb himself is a very sweet and polite kid, he often listens to me talk and gives informed responses when i ask him questions. One of my favorite things is on Mondays we talk about the football game that happened that prior Saturday, and I tell him the score and he usually tells me about something he did over the weekend, or if he want to the parade that the football team has on Fridays on Pearl Street for home games. Over all, Seb is a huge highlight in my week because of the fun that we have together reading and drawing. I look forward to Mondays, which is a pretty surprising thing.

Blog post 2

Every week that I go to reading buddies I tend to enjoy it more and more. I don芒鈧劉t realize it until I get there, but as soon as I see Seb he lights up my Mondays because of friendship that we have built over the past few months. It is amazing how much he has opened up, and how much he loves to share with me now. He talks about his day, and makes jokes that are adorable. Sometimes he has so much energy that it is hard for him to sit still but usually if you say you are going to start reading a book that he is interested in, he will run right over and sit down and pay close attention to the story. It is very enjoyable reading to him because you can tell how much he enjoys books, and stories in general. He loves to laugh, and has found a new enjoyment in playing this game where you give off clues about a word, and then the other person has to guess the word. He usually likes to be the person that gives the clues, and loves to play with Mary. Overall, I am enjoying my time at reading buddies more and more.

Blog Post 3

As my time with Seb (Sebastian) comes to an end, I am sad because he has become part of my Mondays this first semester, and he was one of better parts. He is a fun ball of energy that always brightens up my day with his curiosity and intelligence. He was much different than I expected him to be, and the whole experience was a lot different than I expected it to be. One moment that stood out to me was as we were recording his book, I coughed a few times as he was recording and I asked if he wanted to redo the recording because you could hear me coughing, and I had to correct him on word. However, he responded, 芒鈧揘o, I like it like that.芒鈧 I thought that was really sweet because he liked the book and the recording for its imperfections as well. I will miss Seb next semester, however he has taught me the joy of volunteering and getting to know somebody that wouldn芒鈧劉t normally be in your life. I am very glad that I participated in reading buddies this semester.