
Willing to Pay?" Tax Compliance in Britain and Italy: An Experimental Analysis.

Zhang N, Andrighetto G, Ottone S, Ponzano F, Steinmo S. PLOS ONE . 11 (2) (February 26, 2016). Abstract: As shown by the recent crisis, tax evasion poses a significant problem for countries such as Greece, Spain and Italy. While these societies certainly possess weaker fiscal institutions as compared to...


Historical Institutionalism and Experimental Methods

Steinmo. in The Oxford Handbook of Historical Institutionalism Ed.Sheingate A. (Cambridge: Oxford University Press, March 17, 2016).107-123. Abstract: Although a core insight of historical institutionalism (HI) is that history affects actors’ beliefs, values and preferences, it is difficult to test these propositions directly. This chapter argues that one way of...


Evolution of Institutions and Organizations

STEINMO SH. in Complexity and Evolution Toward a New Synthesis for Economics ( MIT Press, August 19, 2016). Abstract: Some economists argue that institutions are the most important factor affecting variation in babyÖ±²¥app growth. There is a need, however, to better understand how and why institutions emerge and change. Informed...


Are Some Countries More Honest than Others? Evidence from a Tax Compliance Experiment in Sweden and Italy.

Andrighetto G, Zhang N, Ottone S, Ponzano F, D'Attoma J, Steinmo S. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY . 7 (April 07, 2016). Abstract: This study examines cultural differences in ordinary dishonesty between Italy and Sweden, two countries with different reputations for trustworthiness and probity. Exploiting a set of cross-cultural tax compliance experiments,...


State Aid to Firms During Financial Crisis: Evidence from the Emerging European Countries.

SOKHEY SW, Duvanova D. Business and Politics . 18 (3) (2016): 225-262. Abstract: Decisions over state assistance to firms can hinge on whether politicians choose a strategy that favors particular interest groups, targets aggregate babyÖ±²¥app performance, or both. Which types of firms are more likely to receive financial help from...


Trade and the Recognition of Commercial Lingua Francas: Russian Language Laws in Post-Soviet Countries.

Liu AH, Roosevelt M, Wilson Sokhey S. Economics & Politics (October 2016). Abstract: Trade has the potential to influence a wide range of political and social outcomes. Using the post-Soviet context, we examine how language policies – vital components for how minorities are treated with far-reaching babyÖ±²¥app consequences – are...


Personality, Interpersonal Disagreement, and Electoral Information.

Lyons J, Sokhey AE, McClurg SD, Seib D. JOURNAL OF POLITICS . 78 (3) (July 01, 2016): 806-821. Abstract: Interpersonal disagreement has been linked to a variety of democratic outcomes, and classic theories of social influence place it at the heart of opinion formation. We examine the relationship between exposure...


The Political Consequences of Gender in Social Networks.

Djupe P, Mcclurg S, Sokhey AE. British Journal of Political Science (2016): 1-22. Abstract: Scholars of behavior remain focused on the citizenry’s ability to acquire high quality information that can enable political action and choice. One of the primary concerns to emerge from sociallydriven investigations into this is whether networks...


The roots of trust in local government in western Europe.

Fitzgerald J, Wolak J. INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW . 37 (1) (January 01, 2016): 130-146. Abstract: When people say that they trust local authorities, is it simply because they have generalized trust in national government? Or is trust in local government rooted in distinctive considerations, connected to the character of...


Vulnerability by Marriage: Okin's Radical Feminist Critique of Structural Gender Inequality.

Ferguson ML. Hypatia . 31 (3) (August 2016): 687-703. Abstract: The central thesis of Susan Okin’s Justice, Gender, and the Family—that the ideology of the traditional family is the linchpin of contemporary gender inequality in the US—remains significant more than a quarter-century after the book’s publication. On a political register,...
