Congratulations Kimberly Killen!

Sept. 15, 2020

Congratulations to Kimi Killen, winner of the Fall Fellowship! From the denigration of anti-Kavanaugh protesters as chaotic and mob-like to the characterization of participants in the Women’s March as “paid protestors†and the suspicion over #MeToo, incidences of feminists speaking up and being dismissed, denigrated, or even ignored are not...

kimberly killen

Kimberly Killen's First Published Work Featured in a Cambridge University Journal

Dec. 12, 2019

Kimberly's very first article, “Can You Hear Me Now? Race, Motherhood, and the Politics of Being Heard," is now out in print in the APSA journal Politics and Gender as the lead article of the issue! Check it out here: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/politics-and-gender/latest-issue Well done, Kimberly!

Can You Hear Me Now?' Race, Motherhood, and the Politics of Being Heard

*Killen, Kimberly. Forthcoming. "Can You Hear Me Now?' Race, Motherhood, and the Politics of Being Heard." Politics & Gender.