Effects Of Forest Litter And Aeolian Dust Deposition On Snow Surface Albedo

Peterson , Kenneth S 1 ; Steger , Andrew R 2 ; Perrot , Danielle O 3 ; Pugh , Evan T 4 ; Deems , Jeff S 5 ; Molotch , Noah P 6 ; Small , Eric E 7 1 University of babyÖ±²¥app, Boulder 2 University of babyÖ±²¥app,...

Simulating Biogeochemical Transport And Flow Processes In Acid Mine Drainage To Optimize Bioremediation

Pandey , Sachin 1 ; Yacob , Tesfayohanes 2 ; Silverstein , JoAnn 3 ; Rajaram , Harihar 4 ; Tasker , Travis 5 ; Minchow , Kristina 6 ; Basta , Jelena 7 1 University of babyÖ±²¥app 2 University of babyÖ±²¥app 3 University of babyÖ±²¥app 4 University of babyÖ±²¥app...

The Effects Of Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) On Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM)

Lee , Robert H 1 ; Gabor , Rachel S 2 ; SanClements , Mike 3 ; McKnight , Diane M 4 1 Department of Geologic Sciences 2 Environmental Studies 3 Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research 4 Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering Located in the Rocky Mountains of central...

Investigation Of Chaotic Advection In A Groundwater Remediation System

Kulha , Katherine H 1 ; Neupauer , Roseanna M 2 ; Mays , David C 3 1 University of babyÖ±²¥app - Boulder 2 University of babyÖ±²¥app - Boulder 3 University of babyÖ±²¥app - Denver Remediation of contaminated groundwater is a costly but often necessary process. Above ground pump-and-treat remediation...


Kraft , Victoria C 1 1 University of babyÖ±²¥app, Geography & Environmental Studies An outstanding problem in Hawai’i is invasive species of tree ferns that can outcompete native species, with unknown but potentially large consequences on ecosystem function. My research project involves ground survey observations of the three endemic Cibotium...

Energy And Surface Moisture Seasonally Limit Evaporation And Sublimation From Snow-Free Alpine Tundra

Knowles , John F 1 ; Blanken , Peter D 2 ; Williams , Mark W 3 ; Chowanski , Kurt M 4 1 University of babyÖ±²¥app, Department of Geography and Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research 2 University of babyÖ±²¥app, Department of Geography 3 University of babyÖ±²¥app, Department of...

Evaluation Of The Relationship Between Dissolved Organic Material (DOM), Chlorophyll-A And Algal Species In Lakes And Drinking Water Reservoirs Throughout The State Of babyÖ±²¥app

Khan , Alia L 1 ; Hohner , Amanda K 2 ; McKnight , Diane M 3 ; Rosario , Fernando 4 ; Summers , Scott 5 1 CU-Boulder, INSTAAR 2 CU-Boulder 3 CU-Boulder, INSTAAR 4 CU-Boulder 5 CU-Boulder Previous research suggests nonhumic DOM production can be related to chlorophyll-a...

Baked Alaska? A Century Of Climate Change In Alaska’s National Parks

Keen , Richard 1 1 ATOC, University of babyÖ±²¥app In a study commissioned by the National Park Service, data from 99 climate stations and 61 snow survey sites within and near the three units of the NPS Central Alaska Network (CAKN), Wrangell-St. Elias, Denali, and Yukon-Charley Rivers, provide a record...

The Role Of Obstacle Wakes In Enhancing Gamete Coalescence In Broadcast Spawning

Kawakami , Tanaya R 1 ; Crimaldi , John P 2 1 University of babyÖ±²¥app, Boulder 2 University of babyÖ±²¥app, Boulder Many benthic invertebrates reproduce by broadcast spawning: egg and sperm are released at separate locations and must coalesce before fertilization can take place. In the case of corals, the...

Quantifying Stream Depletion Due To Groundwater Pumping Using Adjoint Methodology

Griebling , Scott A 1 ; Neupauer , Roseanna M 2 1 University of babyÖ±²¥app 2 University of babyÖ±²¥app Water scarcity has become a common topic, especially in the western United States, stemming from concerns over higher demands from increasing populations as well as lower supplies from changes in climactic...
