Face Your Food - Jesse Semel

64 photographs, 24 printed

Face Your Food is a photography project exploring the relationship between animals and food. The series is designed to be a provocative piece that forces one to examine how they view their meat verse the animal that meat is from.

Semel content

This more extensive series will be separated into several groups where there is first a photo of an animal, followed by food shots of cooking, plated food, and a subject eating that food. The first group is pictures of cows, followed by other typically eaten meats like chicken and pig. Animals and meats will gradually become less common, progressing into animals and food like cats and dogs. Most animals seem disgusting to eat, yet others are delicious, something that is not often questioned. And even with delicious foods, people commonly disassociate the meat from its origins. Face Your Food places the two in such proximity that it forces the audience to think about their relationship.


Artist Talk