picture of Lorena Luna
Ph.D. Geology (Geophysics), University of Michigan, 2015
M.S. Geology, California State University, Northridge, 2010
B.S. Earth and Environmental Science, University of California, Irvine, 2007

Lorena Medina Luna leads efforts to develop and expand NCAR research collaborations with MSIs across the country. From 2017-2022, she worked as an education designer within the NCAR Education, Engagement, and Early Career Development section. In that role she was the lead organizer for the NCAR Explorer Series and the NCAR Traveling Climate Exhibit. She continues to work on bringing science to the community through bilingual science communication efforts. From 2017-2019, she worked with the SOARS program leading the science communication workshop, professional development, and student mentoring.

Prior to coming to NCAR, she worked at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science as a bilingual educator-performer teaching K-12 students about a variety of STEM fields, and she has experience in non-traditional science education. She is the co-founder and lead for SOLESS - Society of Latinx/Hispanics in Earth and Space Science based out of theCooperative Institute for Research In Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of baby直播app Boulder.聽