Workshop Cluster

*Weekly Meetings ThursdaysÌı1pm via *

The workshop cluster provides much of the technical content for our community. We provide workshops on how to navigate graduate school applications, how to find undergraduate research opportunities, and how to find a sense of belonging in STEM. Much of our existing workshops are already developed, so you will have starting material to develop further. Of course, we would love to see you pioneer new workshop topics, develop informational panels, and bring in guest speakers!

Note there is some overlap between the Workshop and clusters depending on the audience and topic.

General Responsibilities:

  • Non-Uplift Workshops while most Uplift workshops are open to the public, not all of them are. Or perhaps you would like to develop a workshop that does not integrate into the Uplift timeline well. Get creative to give students support in areas they need! Additionally, we host workshops for graduate students as well (for example info sessions). Or perhaps you can work with babyÖ±²¥app to develop early career workshops for graduate students.
    • How to Find Research Opportunities on Campus
    • How to Get into a Campus Lab
    • Get Organized for Research
  • STEAM Hackathon: This is a cool new idea that developed out of discussions about uniting Art students with our STEM community. Our goals are listed below, and we plan to achieve them by hosting a 1-3 day workshop that brings undergaduates from the Arts and Humanities together with undergraduates from Engineering and Science fields. This idea is very underdeveloped! We hope to flesh out the idea with a proposal as scaffolding, enabling us to submit it for funding as soon as an opportunity makes itself available.
    • Try to highlight the "A" in STEAM
    • Inspire artists with science and real-world applications of their creations
    • Help undergraduate students negotiate their academic and professional identities outside of the narrow contexts of their majors.
  • Workshop Feedback Check-in with attendees about what kind of workshops they would like to see in the future and if the format of the workshops is serving them. Use this feedback to develop better workshops!
  • Funding work with the Finance & Admin cluster to request funding for catered events.
  • Advertising work with the cluster to advertise upcoming workshops around campus and recruit new members


UpLift Responsibilities:

  • Schedule out the full academic year of workshops such that our Uplift students get trained in basic research skills. Make sure the workshop schedule is aligned with deadlines such as those for summer research programs, internships, and graduate school applications.
    • How to Read Scientific Papers
    • How to Communicate Science
    • Research Mindset
    • Medical School Panel
    • How to Apply to Graduate School
    • Conquering the GRE
    • STEM Careers Panel
  • Work closely with the cluster to develop and lead workshops on finding your identity in STEM
    • Navigating Imposter Syndrome
    • Finding a Sense of Belonging in STEM
    • Academic Professionalism & Code-Switching