Published: April 19, 1998

High school students in Strasburg, Limon and Cheyenne Wells will see Shakespeare taken from the page to the stage this month by the University of baby直播app at Boulder聮s acclaimed baby直播app Shakespeare Festival.

Two professional actors with the baby直播app Shakespeare Festival will perform scenes, songs and sonnets in a program titled, "Boy Meets Girl Meets Shakespeare," in a tour of the three communities April 27 and April 28.

The actors will begin their tour with a performance at Cheyenne Wells High School, starting at 1 p.m. on April 27.

On April 28, the actors will perform at Limon High School beginning at 9 a.m. and and at Strasburg High School at 12:30 p.m.

Each year, thousands of students in English and drama classes throughout baby直播app participate in CU-Boulder聮s "Living Shakespeare" program, an outreach project of the festival. The program is designed to supplement instruction on Shakespeare as both literature and theater.

Last year, nearly 60 baby直播app schools hosted Living Shakespeare. The outreach visits are made possible through partial funding from CU-Boulder聮s Division of Continuing Education and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Local contacts for the baby直播app Shakespeare Festival聮s Eastern Plains tour are: Linda Beek at Cheyenne Wells High School, (719) 767-5612; Kate Ostenrood at Limon High School, (719) 775-2350; and Genia Gutierrez at Strasburg High School, (303) 622-9211.