Published: April 27, 2018
U.S. capitol building

Opportunities to reflect on the enthusiasm for political dispute and ill temper that has possessed the nation are rare enough, and opportunities to pursue these reflections in the company of two temperate, attentiveand funny commentators are rarer still.

Those seeking perspective on the dynamics of today’s conflict, polarization, and incivilityhave every reason to attend“The New Normal: Conflict, Polarization, and Incivility,” presented by Center of the American West on May 2. The event will featureDenver-based political commentator Eric Sondermann in conversation with the center’s Faculty DirectorPatty Limerick.

If you go

Who: Open to the public
³󲹳:“The New Normal: Conflict, Polarization, and Incivility”
When: Wednesday, May 2,6:30 p.m.
³:Eaton Humanities, room 1B50

Sondermann is a high-profilepolitical commentator, writer, pundit, civic leader, entrepreneur and consultant. A laundry list of media outlets across the state and nation regularly call upon Sondermann as a go-to source of independent political insight. Respected for his candor, his independent thinkingand his ability to distinguish analysis from spin, Sondermann will take part in a conversation almost guaranteed to be lively and memorable.

Sondermann and Limerickwill share their distinctive impressions and understandings of our political moment, providing keen insight, as well as (now and then) opportunities for optimism.

“I have long wished for the privilege of having Eric Sondermann as a partner in a sustained conversation,” Patty Limerick said, “and I am very happy that this wish is finally delivering results.”

Sondermann is also a regular panelist on the weekly babyֱapp Inside Outprogram on babyֱapp Public Television and co-hosts the babyֱapp Decidespolitical debate series. More than two decades ago, he founded the well-respected media and public affairs consulting firmSE2. In 2014, he sold his interest to his long-time business partners to devote his next chapter to these pursuits in addition to some high-level strategic consulting on a handful of public policy issues.

This event is free and open to the public. For more information, visit onlineor call 303-492-4879.