A new study by CU Boulder pain researcher Pavel Goldstein shows that when an empathetic partner holds the hand of a lover in pain, the couple's heart rates sync and the pain subsides.
Professor Dan Szafir envisions a world where robots have that human touch. He's launched several research initiatives that aim to improve human-robot interactions.
Fake news websites had about twice as much influence on the media landscape as fact-checking websites did, according to new research by the College of Media, Communication and Information.
Though Americans may find the thought of eating insects unappetizing, CU Boulder alum Dave Baugh and twin brother Lars are aiming to normalize bugs in the American diet.
Measurements over the first 1,000 days of the MAVEN mission are providing insight into how the sun stripped Mars of most of its atmosphere, turning a planet once possibly habitable to microbial life into a barren desert world.
On average, a $1.50 increase in a state's minimum wage corresponded to as much as a 50 percent increase in the number of low-wage workers commuting out of state for employment, found a new study.
Earlier this month, INSTAAR researchers took their annual snow survey in the Green Lakes Valley, part of the city of Boulder watershed. The measurements are important for the state's water and fire management agencies.
A CU Boulder project is ramping up efforts to provide the public with the latest information on healthy aging, including scientific evidence on what to do and eat for better health.