Through the fall semester, campus officials are providing weekly updates, including stats and items of note. In this issue: the state places Boulder County at Level Red: Severe Risk on the COVID-19 dial; and more.
With the shift to online teaching and learning, the CU Boulder campus will begin operating under enhanced protocols for building access, effective Thursday, Nov. 26.
Explore a specific problem or question with a consultant, or choose from the on-demand or real-time trainings to learn more about teaching technologies like iClicker Cloud, remote-capable classrooms, Canvas Studio and much more.
The CUPD is the first police department in the county and the first college or university police department in babyÖ±²¥app to train in a method that helps law enforcement evaluate the likelihood of an abuser becoming fatal.
Running every two weeks on Thursdays, this training explores the impact of campuswide furloughs and pay reductions upon salary and benefits processes for fiscal year 2021.
New research may one day enable soft machines to fully integrate with our bodies to deliver drugs, target tumors, or repair aging or dysfunctional tissue.