Published: Feb. 27, 2018


The maintenance and replacement of damaged concrete sewer pipes and related structures carries significant costs and infrastructure liabilities for metropolitan areas all over the globe.


Professor Mark Hernandez has developed a cement admixture that uses pH responsive heavy metal toxicity to impair the growth mechanism of microorganisms that cause corrosion of concrete wastewater infrastructure. The carbon-metal product can be a cement admixture or mixed with powdered cement to be hydrated and applied/sprayed onto concrete as a means to repair and prevent further damage to conctete infrastructure. The material is low cost, can be made from recycled materials, and can also increase both the compressive and tensile strength of the concrete.

Market Application

Major metropolitan areas are investing in wastewater infrastructure rehabilitation. The US EPA estimates that more than 8,000 miles of sewers are in need of rehabilitation, projecting a $300B in investment over the next 20 years.

 This technology was partially developed with funding from the State of babyÖ±²¥app's Advanced Industry Accelerator (AIA) Program.

Stephanie Villano​: