
The Academic Resource Management Advisory Committee (ARMAC) is charged with advising the Provost on physical and financial resource matters vital to the academic mission of the campus. Such matters may include, but are not limited to, effective use of academic space, baby直播app compensation analysis and policy, academic program resource analysis, strategic academic resource planning, recommendations for investment priorities, and other projects as charged by the Provost.

Membership includes baby直播app representatives from each school and college and the University Libraries, as well as the BFA Budget & Planning Committee chair and undergraduate and graduate student representatives. Staff support includes representatives from the Office of the Provost, Academic Resource Management, Budget and Fiscal Planning, the Office of Data Analytics, the Office of Space Optimization, and the Division of Continuing Education. ARMAC receives its charge from the Provost and is chaired by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Resource Management and the Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer.