SBOLCanvas - A Visual Editor for Genetic Designs

Project Description SBOLCanvas is a web-based application that can create and edit genetic constructs using the SBOL data and visual standards. SBOLCanvas allows a user to create a genetic design visually and structurally from start to finish. It also allows users to incorporate existing SBOL data from a SynBioHub repository...

The Role of Effort on Learning a Split-Belt Walking Task

Project Description The Neuromechanics lab combines ideas from neuroscience, babyÖ±²¥apps and biomechanics to understand the costs and rewards underlying movement control. Using modeling, robotic interfaces, and virtual reality, we try to reverse engineer how the brain selects and controls movements. The investigations provide insight into the interplay between the neural...

Making Quantum Computing Easier via Better Measurements

Project Description We don't believe quantum computers will work without error correction. In this project, we will look at a specific part of the error correction process the act of measuring. Our goal is to use a device called a "quantum amplifier" to make measurements better for error correction. This...

Material Testing of Pipeline Encapsulation Technologies

Project Description Legacy pipelines made of cast iron, wrought iron, and bare steel are responsible for a disproportionate number of gas leaks in the United State’s infrastructure system. Many systems have exceeded their intended design life with increasing vulnerability to failure. The Center for Infrastructure, Energy and Space Testing (CIEST)...

Full-Scale Testing of Pipeline Encapsulation Technologies

Project Description US natural gas pipeline infrastructure has been serving the nation for decades, providing critical services and resources for energy flow. Many systems have exceeded their intended design life with increasing vulnerability to failure. The Center for Infrastructure, Energy and Space Testing (CIEST) is leading an international project to...

Electrical Circuit Theory for Quantum Bits

Project Description Companies all around the world are building quantum computers using superconducting electrical circuits. The quantum bits are encoded in a network of linear and nonlinear inductors and capacitors. In this project, we will use the theory of electrical circuit equivalents to list all of the possible quantum bits...

Dynamic Testing with the Large Geotechnical Centrifuge

Project Description The Center for Infrastructure, Energy and Space Testing (CIEST) houses a large 400 g-ton centrifuge (the 2nd largest in the US). This centrifuge has recently been upgraded with a shake table so that can input scaled earthquake motions into a scaled model of soil-structure systems. Additional upgrades include...

Stochastic Model for Phy/Net Correlation

Project Description Taken together and given the massive amounts of Wi-Fi data from multiple campus Access Points, stochastic modeling is an especially exciting and relevant given the research proposed in the IMR proposal. Specifically, the Wi-Fi data and its modeling using stochastic simulations and the data fusion, convergence and efficient...

Human Landing System Atmosphere Modeling and Simulation

Project Description A Human Landing System must robustly provide for the environmental and metabolic needs of the crew from the point of departure from Gateway, throughout the surface mission and until their return. Specifically, the Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) must provide a breathable atmosphere, potable water, food...

Social Sustainability of Sanitation Infrastructure in Low-Income Contexts

Project Description We are investigating how sanitation systems can be adapted to better meet household needs and preferences in rural Peru. We are using interviews and surveys to better understand benefits and aspirations, including how those related to social well-being, are tied to sanitation. The DLA will work with a...
