Development of a Magnetic Field Steering System

Project Description Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a non-invasive brain imaging method, where images of the electrical activity inside the brain can be generated. It measures the magnetic field that comes out of the head with an array of magnetic field sensors placed all around the head. We are developing quantum magnetometers...

Quantifying Changes in Soft Tissue Extracellular Matrix Organization

Project Description This project is part of larger studies that aim to understand soft tissue injury susceptibility. In these studies, we quantify the differences in injury mechanics of knee ligaments from multiple mouse model comparisons, including genetically-modified mice and treadmill exercised mice vs. caged controls. These differences in mechanical function...

Boiling Heat Transfer in Electric Machines: An Experimental Approach

Project Description Electric machines can be motors or generators dependent on if power is supplied or generated. Advances in electric machine design and thermal management hold promise for electric aviation, electric vehicles, and more efficient or smaller generators. This project will involve students running an experimental test setup to collect...

Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Software for the COSMO Space Magnetometer

Project Description The COSMO CubeSat is a 6U CubeSat to precisely measure the Earth’s magnetic field. Its measurements shall be used to update the World Magnetic Field Model (WMM) which is used in a variety of realms including many smartphone applications. The COSMO team is currently building and testing the...

Simulation of Self-Propelling Particles with Arbitrary Shape

Project Description Self-propulsion at the micrometer or nanometer scale is ubiquitous in biological systems around and within us. Inspired by this biological phenomena, there has been immense interest in creating synthetic microswimmers, i.e. self-propelling particles. However, most of the computational studies in this domain are limited to spheroidal or cylindrical...

Cybersecurity and Data Analytics (CDA)

Project Description This project is focused in Cybersecurity and Data Analytics (CDA). In March 2019, CU introduced a new interdisciplinary program on Technology, Cybersecurity and Policy (TCP). In addition to starting to bring together existing efforts in these areas, TCP has introduced a dozen new cybersecurity courses, additional babyÖ±²¥app, and...

3-D Motion Tracking and Filter Design for an Ultrasound Imaging System

Project Description We are developing a high resolution ultrasound imaging system that relies on 3-D tracking of the ultrasound probe using the Polaris Vega optical measurement system. This system will be used to enhance image quality for difficult-to-image patients and deep targets in the body. The student will explore the...

Data-Driven Design Tools for Power Electronics

Project Description The project is focused on the development of design automation tools for power electronics systems, including switched-mode power converters for energy efficiency and renewable energy applications. Converter components, such as power semiconductor devices and magnetics, are modeled using machine-learning techniques. Such ML-based models are then used in optimization...

Autonomous Deployment of AWS Deepracer Robots

Project Description Helping in implementing new software for path planning and low-level control for AWS DeepRacer robots. Helping with the development and deployment of the interface software for AWS DeepRacer robots. Helping with the development and deployment of the camera system interface software. Helping with the development and deployment of...

Fast and Efficient Modeling of Hybrid Supercapacitors

Project Description Hybrid supercapacitors use a combination of electrostatics and chemical reactions to store energy, and are used as a bridge between supercapacitors and batteries. While prior research has modeled hybrid capacitors using direct numerical simulations, those calculations come with extensive time requirements (on the order of weeks). This project...
