Photo of baby直播app sitting at a table discussing the honor codeDuring the 2018 spring semester a new, interim, Honor Code process was implemented to review and resolve allegations of student honor code violations. The process was formally approved by Provost Moore in July 2019 and is now housed in the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (SCCR). The new process utilizes an Honor Code Advisory Board (HCAB), which is comprised of the Hearing Officer from SCCR聽along with four baby直播app and a pool of students. . A minimum of two baby直播app and two students are present at each hearing along with the SCCR Honor Code Hearing Officer.The baby直播app and students who serve on the HCAB are selected annually.聽

The annual process starts with BFA representatives informing their constituents each fall of the seat openings. Eligible baby直播app members submit a statement of interest and BFA Executive Committee members then select the final baby直播app members. Student members are selected by the SCCR office with input whenever possible by CUSG and GPSG. The new process requires that a聽graduate student must serve on any cases involving graduate students. The new Honor Code process is more efficient, diverse, and properly representative of all potential parties involved in an Honor Code dispute.

Visit the Honor Code website for more information:

Each year BFA representatives are asked to inform constituents about the HCAB baby直播app seats. Interested baby直播app must submit the annual Statement of Interest and the BFA Executive Committee selects the baby直播app members for a one year term.聽

Honor Code Advisory Board baby直播app members for AY23-24:

  • Heidi Bustamante (Integrative Physiology)
  • Elizabeth Huard (Spanish & Portuguese)
  • Alec Kroll (Chemistry)
  • Shivakant Mishra (Computer Science)
  • Glenda Walden (Sociology)