Typically, graduate students admitted to the SESM program will have completed a BS in either Civil or Architectural Engineering from a program accredited by ABET in the United States or will hold an equivalent degree from a foreign institution. However, students with other backgrounds can be admitted, provided they agree to satisfactory completion of the prerequisites.

All graduate students are expected to develop a Degree Plan during the first semester of their graduate work with the advice of their Academic Advisor. Students may choose among three degree plans: (1) MS Thesis + 8 courses, (2) MS Report + 9 courses, or (3) Coursework only (10 courses).

A limited amount of funding for incoming graduate students is available through Teaching Assistantships, as well as Research Assistantships arranged with individual babyÖ±²¥app.

ÌıÌı Program Information for Graduate Students in SESMÌı Ìı

SESM group’s undergraduate prerequisites for graduate admission are as following:

  • 3 courses of Calculus: APPM 1350 (Calculus I), APPM 1360 (Calculus II) and APPM 2360 (Linear Algebra and Differential Equations) or equivalent
  • 1 course in physics: PHYS 1110 (Physics I) or equivalent
  • 1 course in Statics: CVEN 2121 (Statics) or equivalent
  • 1 course in mechanics: CVEN 3161 (Mechanics of Material I) or equivalent
  • 1 course in structural analysis: CVEN 3525 (Structural Analysis) or equivalent

Core SESM graduate courses


  • CVEN 5111 - Structural Dynamics
  • CVEN 5131 - Continuum Mechanics & Elasticity
  • CVEN 5161 - Advanced Mechanics of Materials
  • CVEN 5511 - Introduction to Finite Element Analysis
  • CVEN 6161 - Advanced Mechanics of Materials II
  • CVEN 7161 - Fracture Mechanics
  • CVEN 5831 - Advanced Construction Materials
  • CVEN 6831 - Advanced Computational Failure Analysis


  • CVEN 5525 - Analysis of Framed Structures
  • CVEN 5565 - Life-Cycle Engineering of Civil Infrastructure Systems
  • CVEN 5575 - Advanced Topics in Steel Design
  • CVEN 5585 - Advanced Topics in Reinforced Concrete Design
  • CVEN 6525 - Nonlinear Analysis of Framed Structures
  • CVEN 6595 - Earthquake Engineering
  • CVEN 5835 - Experimental Methods in Structural Engineering
  • CVEN 5835 - Cable Structures