Student Generated List of Questions

If learners are unsure about their instructor’s expectations or policies around the use of generative AI, here is a set of questions they can ask to facilitate the conversation. This list was generated from the perspectives of students, staff, and educators in November 2024. If you’d like to contribute a question, please email CTL@colorado.EDU.Ìı


  1. In what ways can I employ AI to help me develop research questions?
  2. In what ways can I employ AI to help me find sources?
  3. Is it appropriate to use AI to develop an outline for my paper?
  4. Can I use AI to formulate content in my paper?
  5. What are the guidelines/limits for doing so?
  6. Can I use AI for rough draft content if I translate that into my own words for the final paper?
  7. Can you provide me with an example of a paper that has used AI appropriately?
  8. May I use AI to provide me with revision feedback and advice?
  9. May I use AI to edit/proofread my paper? Specifically, Is the use of Grammarly allowed?
  10. How should I cite the use of AI? (as a source or as a footnote acknowledgment, does the link to the chat need to be included?)  What uses of AI need to be acknowledged in this way?
  11. What should I avoid using AI for?
  12. What should I do if I have a question about using AI in this class?
  13. What limitations should I be aware of regarding AI technology (i.e., where might AI still have some issues that impact its usefulness or trustworthiness) related to the content or activities in this course?
  14. Which AI programs can I use (e.g., free vs. paid versions)?
  15. Can I use AI to write or edit pieces of code? If so, how do I cite this?
  16. Can I use AI to check my answers to homework problems and/or get help if I am stuck on what to do next?
  17. Is there a different AI policy for formative assessments (minor/smaller assignments) than summative final projects, papers, or exams?
  18. If I do not have the availability to come to office hours, can I use AI to answer my questions? If not, what would you recommend I do?
  19. Is there an amount or frequency limit to how often or how I can use AI?
  20. What are the repercussions for using generative AI in ways that are not allowed? 


  • Eric Klinger, Faculty Director, Writing Center

  • Ellen Kedzierski, Undergraduate Educational Technology Research Assistant, ASSETT

  • Ameenah Razi, Undergraduate Educational Technology Research Assistant, ASSETT

  • Rebecca Lee, Student Initiatives Coordinator, ASSETT & PhD Candidate, Department of Linguistics

  • Kelly Gildersleeve, Assistant Director, Center for Teaching & Learning

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