
Our collection includes a wide range of historic European art, including medieval ivory carving, architectural stone carving and manuscripts. Our Renaissance and Baroque works capture the richness and variety of drawings made during the Early Modern period with figure studies, imaginative landscapes by Canaletto and preparatory works, including a masterful pen and ink drawing by Francisco Solimena. Paintings from this period include Jan Brueghel the Younger鈥檚 mystical representation of the Holy Family taking rest on the Flight into Egypt.

Highlights include 100 works by artist and humorist William Hogarth that survey daily life in 18th-century London . Giovanni Battista Piranesi鈥檚 inventive engravings of Carceri (Prisons) are an example of the continuing influence of ancient Rome, while 19th- and 20th-century artists, including K盲the Kollwitz, Henry Moore and Jean Dubuffet, engaged with events that shaped modern Europe and provided a new interpretation of classical forms.