Published: March 28, 2016

FREE Webinar: Smart Water Migration: The Right Time at the Right Pace

Date: March 31, 2016
Time:11:00 AM - 12:30 PM MT

Facing limited resources and a rapidly changing workforce, how can today’s water utilities implement technology without sacrificing investments they’ve already made? In this webinar, Neptune Technology Group will demonstrate how today’s water utilities can easily move forward – not only from automatic meter reading (AMR) to fixed network advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) – but beyond basic billing functions to leverage metering data for unique needs across the utility. With backward-compatible, smart water technology, utilities can future-proof and optimize their AMR-to-AMI system, without stranding assets, or hidden licensing and upgrade fees.

Today’s water utility managers face mounting challenges. They know that they need to replace aging infrastructure, optimize their workforce, and better manage their data to improve customer service as well as revenue. Yet at the same time, they may doubt that they have the financial, technical, or personnel resources to implement the type of AMR/AMI system they need – especially all-at-once.

Participants will hear from an actual water utility how it implemented a cost-effective, timely AMR-to-AMI system for its unique needs – simply and painlessly – without stranding assets, and at the utility’s own pace.

Learning Objectives:
Establish where their utility is on the AMR-to-AMI spectrum – and where they want to be
Leverage and expand on the metering technology they already use, at their own pace
Manage their metering data more efficiently – and go beyond basic billing
Analyze the data they already receive and share it across departments
Enhance customer service and revenue through an optimized system