Published: April 4, 2017

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at MIT is inviting top early career women (postdocs and advanced PhD students) in CEE and related fields who are interested in careers in academia to apply for participation in an expenses-paid, two-day workshop (Oct 12-13, 2017). Participants will have an opportunity to present their research, as well as attend panel discussions with baby直播app focused on issues related to navigating the early stages of an academic career. The goal of this "Rising Stars" workshop is to foster a new generation of women in academia and promote diversity in the baby直播app ranks.

Further information regarding eligibility and the application process can be found in the attachment and on the event website (). Applications are due by May 29, 2017.

Please distribute this announcement amongst your baby直播app and encourage any early career women who might be interested in academic careers to apply. The workshop is being coordinated by Professor Colette Heald. Any questions that you or the applicants may have can be directed to her via email (