Published: May 6, 2024

The May 2024 Environmental Engineering Ceremony will be held:

Thursday, May 9, 2024
4pm - 7pm

The ceremony will be held in-person, in a large white tent on the JSC Biotechnology Building's West Lawn.

It is for graduating EVENÌıBS, MS, and PhD students along with their friends and family. Graduating students will walk across the stage, shake hands with the department chair, and receive a diploma cover. Official diplomas will be mailed at the end of June. Refreshments and dessert items will be served following the ceremony.

Student Arrival Time - 30-45 minutes before the ceremony.

Family and Guest Arrival Time - At least 15 minutes before the start time of the EVENÌıceremony.

No ticket or reservation is required for family and friends of graduating students attending this ceremony. Parking is free.