Grieg Rieker
Associate Professor

Department:Mechanical Engineering

Education:B.S. Missouri University of Science and Technology (2002), M.S., Ph.D., Stanford University (2004, 2009)
Teaching:MCEN 3012 Thermodynamics I, MCEN 4228 Capstone Thermofluids Laboratory, MCEN 5055 Advanced Product Design, MCEN 5065 Graduate Design
Research:Optical Sensing, Atmospheric Monitoring, Wildland Fire Research, Combustion Engineering, Quantum Sensing

Office: ECME 226

Honors and Distinctions:

  • babyֱapp Governor’s Award for High-Impact Research, October 2019
  • Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Research Award, September 2019
  • Hiroshi Tsuji Early Career Researcher Award, April 2019
  • US Early Career Combustion Investigator Award, March 2019
  • Peter Werle Early Career Scientist Award, September 2018
  • Woodward Outstanding Faculty Award, August 2018
  • Research and Innovation Faculty Fellowship, December 2017
  • Vogel Family Faculty Fellowship, December 2017
  • National Science Foundation CAREER Award, March 2015
  • National Research Council (NRC) Research Associateship, March 2012

Recent Publications:
**denotes work done in collaboration with graduate students
*denotes work done in collaboration with undergraduate students

  • **A. Makowiecki, J. Steinbrenner, **N. Wimer, **J. Glusman, **C. LaPointe, P. Hamlington, J. Daily, G. Rieker, “Dual frequency comb spectroscopy of solid fuel pyrolysis andcombustion: Quantifying the influence of moisture content in Douglas fir,” Fire SafetyJournal, 103185, (2020).
  • **P. Schroeder, **A. Makowiecki, **M. Kelley, **R. Cole, **N. Malarich, R. Wright, J.Porter, G. Rieker, “Temperature and concentration measurements in a high-pressuregasifier enabled by cepstral analysis of dual frequency comb spectroscopy,” accepted toProceedings of the Combustion Institute (2020).
  • E. Hannah, W. Swann, J. Ellis, M. Bodine, *M. Carter, *N. Kuczun, N. Newbury, L. Sinclair, A. Muschinski, G. Rieker, “Optical timing jitter due to atmospheric turbulence: comparison of frequency comb measurements to predictions frommicrometeorological sensors,” Optics Express, Volume 28, Issue 18, pp. 25664-27209,(2020).
  • *A. Draper, R. Cole, J. Mohr, A. Zdanawicz, A. Marchese, N. Hoghooghi, and G. Rieker, “Broadband Dual Frequency Comb Spectroscopy in a Rapid Compression Machine,” Optics Express 27, 10814-10825 (2019).
  • C. Alden, S. Coburn, R. Wright, E. Baumann, K. Cossel, *E. Perez, *E. Hoenig, K. Prasad, I. Coddington, and G. Rieker, “Single-blind quantification of natural gas leaks from 1 km distance using frequency combs,” Environmental Science and Technology 53, 2908-2917 (2019).
  • **R. Cole, **A. Makowiecki, N. Hoghooghi, and G. Rieker, “Baseline-free Quantitative Absorption Spectroscopy Based on Cepstral Analysis,” Optics Express 27, 37920-37939 (2019).
  • N. Hoghooghi, R. Wright, **A. Makowiecki, W. Swann, E. Waxman, I. Coddington, and G. Rieker, “Coherent broadband cavity-enhanced dual-comb spectroscopy for detection of multiple gas species,” Optica 6, 28 (2019).