Guofeng Cao
Assistant Professor of Geography • GIScience, GeoAI, geostatistics/spatial statistics, and remote sensing • PhD University of California Santa Barbara 2011

Research Interests

My research is characterized by an interdisciplinary perspective on geographic information science driven by advances of spatial Big Data (e.g., social media and remote sensing), machine learning/artificial intelligence, and computational sciences. I am interested in deep learning of heterogeneous geographic information to support uncertainty-aware geographic knowledge discovery and decision making. Particularly, I focus on the development of novel statistical/machine learning and computational methodologies for (a) integrating heterogeneous sources of geographic information (e.g., incompatible scales) for geographic analysis; (b) characterizing and modeling complex spatiotemporal patterns (e.g., land cover and land use changes); (c) characterizing and modeling spatiotemporal bias and uncertainty of geographic information and the associated impacts; (d) addressing the computing challenges when the data scale and model complexity are not manageable; and (e) building geospatial-enabled cyberinfrastructure for domain scientists. Domain applications focus on natural hazards, environmental sciences, public health and global changes.

Recent Courses Taught

  • Fall 2024Ìı GEOG 3023ÌıStatistics and Geographic Data
  • Spring 2024Ìı GEOG 4023/5023 ÌıQuantitative Methods
  • Spring 2024Ìı GEOG 4403/5403Ìı GIS: Space Time Analytics
  • Spring 2023Ìı GEOG 4023/5023 ÌıQuantitative Methods
  • Spring 2023Ìı GEOG 4103/5103Ìı GIS: Spatial Analytics
  • Spring 2023Ìı GEOG 4403/5403Ìı GIS: Space Time Analytics
  • Fall 2021Ìı GEOG 3023ÌıStatistics and Geographic Data
  • Spring 2021Ìı GEOG 4023/5023 ÌıQuantitative Methods
  • Spring 2021Ìı GEOG 4103/5103Ìı GIS: Spatial Analytics
  • Fall 2020Ìı GEOG 3023ÌıStatistics for Geography
