July 2024:Dr. John Evans gave an invited seminar on on "Adaptive immersed isogeometric level set topology optimization" in theInstitute of Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics Seminar Series at the Vienna University of Technology.

July 2024:Dr. John Evans gave an invited seminar on on "Adaptive immersed isogeometric level set topology optimization" in theSchool for Simulation and Data Science Seminar Series atRWTH Aachen University.

June 2024:Dr. John Evans and CMGLab memberNils Wunschwere co-authors on a paper "Interpolation-based immersogeometric analysis methods for multi-material and multi-physics problems"that was accepted for publication in Computational Mechanics.

April 2024:MS student Sumedh Soman successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations Master Soman!

February 2024:The CMGLab welcomed its newest member, Audrey Claire Evans,on February 17, 2024. Now Dr. John Evans certainly willnever get work done again.

February 2024:CMGLab alumnus Dr. Aviral Prakash's paper "A streamline coordinate analysis of a turbulent boundary layer subject to pressure gradients and curvature on the windward side of a bump" was accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Congratulations Dr. Prakash!

January 2024:Dr. John Evans gave the Iowa State University Department of Mechanical EngineeringPletcher Seminaron "Data-Driven Turbulence Modeling and Simulation".

January 2024:CMGLab alumnus Dr. Aviral Prakash's paper "Invariant data-driven subgrid stress modeling on anisotropic grids for large eddy simulation" was accepted for publication in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Congratulations Dr. Prakash!

January 2024:CMGLab alumnus Ryan Aronson successfully defended his PhD dissertation at Stanford University. Congratulations Dr. Aronson!

January 2024:Dr. John Evans gave an invited seminar on "Structure Preservation in Immersed Finite Element Methods for Incompressible Fluid Flow" in theScalable, Efficient and Accelerated Causal Reasoning Operators, Graphs and Spikes for Earth and Embedded Systems (SEA-CROGS) Webinar Series.

December 2023:Dr. John Evans gave two invited talks at the International Workshop on Multiphase Flows: Analysis, Modelling and Numerics in Tokyo, Japan. His first talk was "Isogeomertric divergence-free B-splines: An introduction" and his second talk was "Isogeomertric divergence-free B-splines: Advanced topics".

November 2023:Dr. John Evans gave an invited seminar on "Immersed finite element methods: Opportunities, challenges, and recent advances" in the MIT Distinguished Seminar Series on Computational Science and Engineering.

October 2023:CMGLab alumnus Ryan Aronson's paper "Stabilized isogeometric collocation methods for hyperbolic conservationlaws" was accepted for publication in Engineering with Computers. Congratulations Ryan!

ٴDz2023:PhD student Thomas Kavasuccessfully defended hisdissertation. Congratulations Dr. Kava!

October 2023:Dr. John Evans gave an invited talk on "Data-driven Subgrid Stress Closure for Large Eddy Simulation" at the 2023 Advances in Computational Mechanics conference in Austin, Texas.

September 2023:Dr. John Evans has been promoted toEditor of Engineering with Computers.

July2023: Severalmembers of the CMGLab gave talks at the Seventeenth United States National Congress on Computational Mechanics held in Albuquerque, New Mexico.Dr. John Evans gave a semi-plenary lectureon "Interpolation-Based Immersed Finite Element and Isogeometric Analysis",PhD studentAviral Prakash gave a talk on "Assessment of Stabilized Finite Element Methods for Turbulent Flow Simulations with Mixed-Element Meshes", PhD studentNils Wunsch gave a talk on "Discretization Schemes for Hierarchically Refined Immersogeometric Analysis of Multi-Material and Multi-Physics Problems", and PhD studentAdam Christopherson gave a talk on "A Locking-Free Displacement-Only Isogeometric Discretization for Nearly Incompressible Elasticity".

July 2023:PhD student Basu Parmarsuccessfully defended hisdissertation. Congratulations Dr. Parmar!

July 2023:CMGLab alumnus Ryan Aronson's paper "Stabilized isogeometric collocation methods for scalar transport and incompressible fluid flow" was accepted for publication in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Congratulations Ryan!

July 2023:PhD student Aviral Prakash successfully defended hisdissertation. Congratulations Dr. Prakash!

July 2023:Dr. John Evans became the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Curriculum in the Ann and H.J. Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences.

June 2023:Dr. John Evans gave a invited talk on "A locking-free displacement-only isogeometric analysis methodology for nearly incompressible elasticity" at the 11th International Isogeometric Analysis Conference.

June 2023:Dr. John Evans gave a keynote talk on "Interpolation-based immersed finite element and isogeometric analysis with application to thermoelasticity" at the 10th Coupled Problems Conference.

May 2023:PhD student DeAnna Gilchristsuccessfully defended herdissertation. Congratulations Dr. Gilchrist!

April 2023:Dr. John Evans gave an invited talk on "Interpolation-based immersed finite element and isogeometric analysis of incompressible fluid flow" at the 22nd Computational Fluids Conference.

April 2023:PhDstudent Aviral Prakashsuccessfully defended his Applied Mathematics MS thesis. Congratulations Master Prakash!

April 2023: PhD student Nils Wunschpassed his comprehensive exam. Congratulations Nils!

April 2023:MS student Andrew Komitor successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations Master Komitor!

April 2023:PhDstudent Tommy Kava accepted a Computational Plasma Physicistposition at Skunkworks. Tommy will start the position after defending his dissertation in Fall 2023.

March 2023:CMGLab alumnus Ryan Aronson's paper "Divergence-conformingisogeometric collocationmethodsfor the incompressibleNavier-Stokes equations" was accepted for publication in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Congratulations Ryan!

March 2023:Dr. John Evans gave an invited seminar on "Computational methods and software for improving the accessibility of immersed finite element analysis" in the Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences Fluid-Structures-Materials Seminar Series at the University of babyֱapp Boulder.

February 2023:Dr. John Evans was a co-authoron a paper "Extended isogeometric analysis of multi-material and multi-physics problems using hierarchical B-splines"that was accepted for publication in Computational Mechanics.

February 2023:Dr. John Evans gave an invited seminar on "The EXHUME project for democratization of immersed finite element analysis" in the Oden Institute Seminar Series at the University of Texas at Austin.

February 2023:Dr. John Evans gave an invited seminar on "Isogeometric analysis: Fundamentals, challenges, and current research thrusts" in the Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar Series at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

January 2023:Dr. John Evans gave an invited seminar on "An adaptive immersed isogeometric analysis framework for multi-material, multi-physics problems" in the Structural Engineering Seminar Series at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

January 2023:Two current members of the CMGLab gavetalks at the 2023AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition.PhD studentAviral Prakashgave a contributed talk on "Extension of the Smagorinsky Subgrid Stress Model to Anisotropic Filters", and PhD student Basu Parmargave a contributed talk on "Data-Driven RANS closure with Model Derived Turbulence Variables".

January2023:CMGLab member Aviral Prakash was selected as the inaugural vice chair of theUnited States Association for Computational Mechanics student chapter. Congratulations Aviral!

January2023:Dr. John Evans and CMGLab memberNils Wunschwere co-authors on a paper "Interpolation-based immersed finite element and isogeometric analysis"that was accepted for publication in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.

November 2022:Two current members of the CMGLab gavetalks at the 2022American Physical Society Division of Fluid DynamicsAnnual Meeting.PhD studentAviral Prakashgave a contributed talk on "Direct Numerical Simulation of the Gaussian (Boeing) Bump: Pressure Gradient and Curvature Effects", and PhD student Samantha Friess gave a contributed talk on "A Data-Driven Nonlinear Eddy Viscosity Model for Sub-Grid Scale Stress Closure".

November2022: Several current and formermembers of the CMGLab gave talks at the Tenth International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis. Aviral Prakash gave a talk on "Comparison of Surrogate Modeling Approaches for Isogeometric Design Space Exploration", Nils Wunsch gave a talk on "Face-Oriented Ghost Stabilization for Hierarchically Refined XIGA", and Dr. John Evans gave a talk on "Nitsche's Method for Nonlinear Problems with Application to the Euler-Bernoulli Beam" on the behalf ofDr. Joseph Benzaken who was unable to attend.

September 2022:CMGLab alumnus Grayson Tong's paper "Skeleton-stabilized divergence-conforming B-spline discretizations for incompressible flow problems of high Reynolds number" was accepted for publication in Computers and Fluids. Congratulations Grayson!

August 2022:Two members of the CMGLab gave talks at the2022Rocky Mountain Fluid Mechanics Research Symposium.PhD student Tommy Kavagave a talk on "Numerical Simulation of Plasma Fueled Engines" and PhD student Nils Wunschgave a talk on "Simulation of Turbulent Incompressible Flows using Immersogeometric Analysis". CMGLab collaborator Dr. Riccardo Balin also presented on "Online Learning of Turbulence Closure Model at Scale".

August 2022:Two members of the CMGLab gave talks at the Fifteenth WorldCongress on Computational Mechanics, held virtually in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.Dr. John Evans gave a talk on "Immersed Finite Element and Isogeometric Analysis Using Approximate Lagrange Extraction" and PhD studentAviral Prakash gave a talk on "Neural Network Based Isogeometric Design Space Exploration".

July 2022:Dr. John Evans gave a contributed talk on"Data-driven construction of iterative algebraic Reynolds stress models using model-derived turbulence variables" at the 2022Symposium on Turbulence Modeling: Roadblocks, and the Potential for Machine Learning.

July 2022:PhD studentAviral Prakash'spaper "Optimal clipping of structural subgrid stress closures for large eddy simulation" was accepted for publication inthe AIAA Journal. Congratulations Aviral!

July 2022:PhD studentAviral Prakash'spaper "Invariant data-driven subgrid stress modeling in the strain-rate eigenframe for large eddy simulation" was accepted for publication inComputer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Congratulations Aviral!

June 2022:PhD studentThomas Kavapresented a paper on "Three-dimensional numerical analysis of plasma fueled engines"at the 2022AIAA AVIATION Forum.

June 2022:The University of babyֱapp Board of Regents approved Dr. John Evans's application for tenure and promotion to Associate Professor, effective August 15, 2023.

June 2022:Dr. John Evans and CMGLab alumnusDr. Corey Wetterer-Nelsonwere co-authors on a paper "Software tools to enable immersive simulation"that was accepted for publication in Engineering with Computers.

June 2022:Dr. John Evans was a co-author on a paper "XIGA: An eXtended IsoGeometric Analysis approach for multi-material problems" that was accepted for publication in Computational Mechanics.

May 2022: PhD student Basu Parmar passed his comprehensive exam. Congratulations Basu!

May 2022: PhD student Tommy Kava passed his comprehensive exam. Congratulations Tommy!

April 2022:PhD student DeAnna Gilchristpassed hercomprehensive exam. Congratulations DeAnna!

April 2022:Dr. John Evans was electedto the Executive Council of the United States Association of Computational Mechanics.

March 2022:PhD student Samantha Friess was offered aNational Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship. Congratulations Samantha!

March 2022:PhD studentAviral Prakash gave an invited virtual seminar on "An invariant data-driven model for large eddy simulations and extension to anisotropic grids" in the Aerospace Computational Design Laboratory Seminar Series at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

January 2022:PhD studentMathias Schmidt, who is jointly advised by Dr. John Evans and Dr. Kurt Maute, successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Schmidt!

January 2022:PhD studentAviral Prakash presented a paper at the 2022AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition on "Wall-modeled large eddy simulations of a turbulent boundary layer over the Boeing speed bump at ReL= 2 million".

January 2022:Dr. John Evans was selected as a new Editorial Board Member for Computer Methods inApplied Mechanics and Engineering.

December 2021: FormerCMGLab visiting PhD student Elias Barroso's paper "An efficient automatic mesh generation algorithm for planar isogeometric analysis using high-order rational Bézier triangles" wasacceptedfor publication in Engineering with Computers. Congratulations Elias!

November 2021:PhD studentAviral Prakashgave a contributed talk at the2021American Physical Society Division of Fluid DynamicsAnnual Meeting on "WallModeled Large Eddy Simulations of a Turbulent Boundary Layer Over a Bump at ReL= 1 and 2 Million".

October 2021:Dr. John Evans gave an invited seminaron "Data-driven turbulence modeling and simulation" to the Ann and H.J. Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences at the University of babyֱapp Boulder.

September 2021:PhD student Aviral Prakash passed his comprehensive exam. Congratulations Aviral!

September 2021:Dr. John Evans gave a plenary talk on"Adaptive Level Set Topology Optimization with Hierarchical B-Splines" at the 2021 Virtual International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis.

September 2021:CMGLab alumnus Dr. Eric Peters's paper"S-frame discrepancy correction models for data-informed Reynolds stress closure" was accepted for publication in the Journal of Computational Physics. Congratulations Dr. Peters!

September 2021:Dr. John Evans was part of a research team that was selected to receivea DOE grant "Scalable Data Reduction Techniques for Extreme-Scale Unstructured PDE Simulations". The team is led by Dr. Alireza Doostan (CU-Boulder), and Dr. Evans is a Co-PI.

August 2021:PhD student Aviral Prakash gave a talk on "An Invariant Data-Driven Model for Large Eddy Simulations and Extension to Anisotropic Grids" to the Laboratory for Applied Mathematics, Numerical Software, and Statistics at Argonne National Laboratory.

August 2021:Former BS student Grant Norman gave atalk on "Mesh Element Topologies in Large Eddy Simulation" at the2021Rocky Mountain Fluid Mechanics Research Symposium.

August 2021:PhD studentThomas Kavapresented a paper on "Numerical simulation of electron-beam powered plasma fuel engines"at the 2021 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum.

August 2021:Dr. John Evanshas been selected as the AIAA Rocky Mountain SectionEducator of the Year (College/University).

July 2021: Several current and formermembers of the CMGLab gave talks at the Sixteenth United States NationalCongress on Computational Mechanics, held virtually in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.Dr. John Evans gave a talk on "Interactive Geometric Modification of Massively Parallel CFD Simulations", Dr. David Gunderman gave a talk on "Efficient Numerical Quadrature for Unfitted Finite element Methods: Perspectives and New Techniques", Aviral Prakash gave a talk on "On Development of an Invariant Data-Driven Anisotropic Subgrid Scale Stress Model for Large-Eddy Simulation",Basu Parmar gave a talk on "Data Driven RANS Closure with Model Derived Turbulence Variables", and DeAnna Gilchrist gave a talk on "Dynamically and Geometrically Conservative Fully-Discrete Stabilized Finite Element Methods for Conservation Laws on Moving Domains With Controllable Numerical Dissipation".

July 2021:CMGLab alumnus Dr.David Gunderman'spaper "High-accuracy mesh-free quadrature for trimmed parametric surfaces and volumes" was accepted for publication inComputer-Aided Design. Congratulations Dr. Gunderman!

June 2021:Dr. John Evans was selected as a newAssociate Editor of Engineering with Computers.

May 2021:Dr. John Evans and Dr. Kurt Maute were selected to receive an NSF grant "Collaborative Research: Elements: EXHUME: Extraction for High-Order Unfitted Finite Element Methods". Dr. Evans is PI and Dr. Maute is Co-PI. The grant is slated to begin June 2021, andDr. Evans and Dr. Maute will be working closely with Dr. Kamensky of the University of California at San Diego.

May 2021:Dr. John Evans and Dr. Ken Jansen were selected to receive a University of babyֱapp BoulderHypersonic Vehicles Interdisciplinary Research Themegrant "Data-Driven Reynolds Stress Models for Hypersonic Flow Simulation".

May 2021:Dr. John Evans and Dr. Kurt Maute were selected to receive a University of babyֱapp BoulderHypersonic Vehicles Interdisciplinary Research Themegrant "Immersed Finite Element Methods for Simulation and Optimization of Hypersonic Vehicles".

April 2021:Dr. John Evans was a co-author on a paper "Isogeometric collocation: A mixed displacement-pressure method for nearly incompressible elasticity" that was accepted for publication in Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science.

March 2021:PhD student David Gunderman successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Gunderman!

March 2021:Dr. John Evanshas been selected as the recipient of the 2021 U.S. Association of Computational Mechanics Gallagher Young Investigator Award. The award will be presented at the Awards Ceremony during the 16th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, being held virtually July 26-29, 2021.

March 2021:PhD studentmember David Gunderman gave an invited talk at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science Engineering on "High-Order Numerical Integration for Immersed Finite Element Analysis".

March 2021:PhD student David Gunderman accepted a Lillian Gilbreth Postdoctoral Fellowshipat Purdue University. As a Lillian Gilbreth Postdoctoral Fellow,David will work with Professors Hector Gomez and Craig Coergen at Purdue University and Professor Alison Marsden at Stanford University. David will defend his PhD dissertation in late March.

January 2021:PhD students Aviral Prakash and James Wright each presented papers at the 2021 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition.Aviral presented a paper on “Optimal clipping of the gradient model for subgrid stress closure” while James presented a paper on "Unstructured LESDNSof a turbulent boundary layer over a Gaussian bump".

January 2021:PhD student Corey Wetterer-Nelson successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Wetterer-Nelson!

December 2020:PhD student Corey Wetterer-Nelsonaccepteda Senior Research and Development Engineer position at Kitware, Inc., developers of VTK, ParaView, and CMake. Corey will defend his PhD dissertation in January.

November 2020:PhD studentAviral Prakashgave a contributed talk at the2020 American Physical Society Division of Fluid DynamicsAnnual Meeting on "A Flow-Based Coordinate Frame Representation for Invariant Data-Driven Subgrid Stress Closure".

November 2020: PhD studentDavid Gunderman was awarded the Graduate Teaching Excellence Award from the United Government of Graduate Students at the University of babyֱapp Boulder. Congratulations David!

October 2020:Dr. John Evans was a co-author on a paper "Nitsche's methodfor linear Kirchhoff-Love shells: Formulation, error analysis, and verification" that was accepted for publication in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.

October 2020:Dr. John Evans gave an invited virtual seminar on "Invariant data-driven subgrid stress closure for large eddy simulation" in the Aerospace Computational Design Laboratory Seminar Series at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

September 2020:PhD studentDavid Gunderman'spaper "Spectral mesh-free quadrature for planar regions bounded by rational parametric curves" was accepted for publication inComputer-Aided Design. Congratulations David!

August2020: PhD studentsCorey Wetterer-Nelson, Basu Parmar, and Aviral Prakash gavecontributed talksat the 2020 Rocky Mountain Fluid Mechanics Research Symposium in Boulder, babyֱapp. Corey's talk was entitled "Interactive Geometry Modification for Massively Parallel CFD Simulations", Basu's talk was entitled "Data Driven RANS Modeling", and Aviral's talk was entitled "Invariant Data-Driven Subgrid Stress Closure for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulence".

July 2020:CMGLab alumnus Dr. Luke Engvall'spaper "Mesh quality metrics for isogeometric Bernstein-Bezier discretizations" was accepted for publication inComputer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Congratulations Dr. Engvall!

June 2020:CMGLab alumnusDr. Frits de Prenter received the ECCOMAS PhD Award. Congratulations Dr. de Prenter!

June 2020:Dr. John Evans gave an invited virtual seminar on "Data-driven turbulence modeling and simulation: From RANS to LES" within the USACM Summer Seminar Series.

June 2020: PhD student David Gunderman presented a poster on "High-order mesh-free numerical quadrature for trimmed curved parametric domains" at theSymposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2020. The symposium was held remotely in light of COVID-19.

May 2020:MS student Daniel Lee obtained his Master of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering Sciences, MS student Grayson Tong obtained his Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering, andundergraduate researcher Emily Jordan obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. Congratulations Daniel, Grayson, and Emily!

May 2020:PhD student Corey Wetterer-Nelsonpassed his comprehensive exam. Congratulations Corey!

April 2020:MS student Grayson Tongsuccessfully defended his thesis. Congratulations Master Tong!

April 2020: MSstudentGrayson Tonghas accepted a PhD position at the University of Notre Dame. Congratulations Grayson!

March 2020:The entire CMGLab is now working remotely due to COVID-19. As such, it may take significantlylonger than usual for us to respond to e-mail inquiries.

March 2020: Dr. John Evans’s paper “Variational multiscale modeling with discretely divergence-free subscales” was accepted for publication in Computers and Mathematics with Applications.

March 2020:Dr. John Evanswas a co-author on the paper "Adaptive level set topology optimization using hierarchical B-splines" which was accepted for publication in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization.

March 2020:PhD student David Gunderman passed his comprehensive exam. Congratulations David!

February 2020: BS studentEmily Jordan has accepted a PhD position at the University of Edinburgh. Congratulations Emily!

February 2020:Dr. John Evans gave an invited seminar on "Isogeometric structure-preserving discretizations: Fundamentals, current research thrusts, and future directions" in the Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences Fluid-Structures-Materials Seminar Series at the University of babyֱapp Boulder.

January 2020:MSstudentDaniel Lee has accepted a Mechanical Engineering position at Sandia National Laboratories. Congratulations Daniel!

January 2020:PhD student David Gunderman's paper "Transport schemes in spherical geometries using spline-based RBF-FD with polynomials” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Computational Physics. This paper is based on his work with his Applied Mathematics co-advisor Bengt Fornberg. Congratuations David!

January 2020:PhD student Basu Parmar presented a paper on “Generalized non-linear eddy viscosity models for data-assisted Reynolds stress closure” at the 2020AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition in Orlando, Florida.

January 2020:Tommy Kava hasofficially transitioned from the MS program to the PhD program. Congratulations Tommy!

December 2019: MS student Daniel Lee successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations Master Lee!

December 2019:Dr. John Evans gave an invited seminar on "Hierarchical B-spline complexes of discrete differential forms" at the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

November 2019: PhD students Basu Parmar and Aviral Prakashgave a contributed talks at the2019 American Physical Society Division of Fluid DynamicsAnnual Meeting in Seattle, Washington. Basu's talk was titled "Generalized Non-Linear Eddy Viscosity Models for Data-Assisted Reynolds Stress Closure", while Aviral's talk was titled "An S-frame Discrepancy Correction for Data-Driven Reynolds Stress Closure". Aviral's talk was based on the doctoral work of CMGLab alumnusDr. Eric Peters.

November2019: CMGLab alumnus Dr. Frits de Prenter's paper"Scalablemultigrid methods for immersed finite element methods and immersed isogeometric analysis" was accepted for publication in Computational Mechanics. Congratulations Dr. de Prenter!

November2019:Dr. John Evanswas named as a 2019 Web of ScienceHighly Cited Researcher for being among the top 1% worldwide in computer science citations.

November 2019:CMGLab alumnusDr. Luke Engvall and Dr. John Evanswere selected to receive an Army STTRgrant "Automating U-spline fluid-structure model development for mobility applications". Dr. Engvallis PI for Coreform LLCand Dr. Evans is PI for CU Boulder. The grant is slated to begin December 2019.

November 2019:CMGLab alumnusDr. Joseph Benzaken is listed in the credits of the upcoming film Frozen 2. Dr. Benzaken is currentlya research scientist at Walt Disney Animation Studios where he is developing advanced cloth animation technologies.

November 2019:Emily Jordan hasjoined the group as a BS student. Welcome Emily!

October 2019:Dr. John A. Evans gave an invited talk on "Variational multiscale modeling with discretely divergence-free subscales" at the Fifty Sixth Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science.

August 2019:Dr. John A. Evans received the Graduate and Teaching Mentoring Award from the Ann and H.J. Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences at the University of babyֱapp Boulder.

August 2019:ThomasKava hasjoined the group as anMS student. Welcome Thomas!

August 2019:Basu Parmar, Aviral Prakash, and David Gunderman havejoined the group asPhD students. Welcome Basu, Aviral, and David!

July 2019:Dr. John A. Evans gave an invited talk on "A pressure-robust residual-based stabilized method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations" at the Fifteenth U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics in Austin, Texas.

July2019:MSstudent Arvind Dudi Raghunath successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations Master Raghunath!

July2019:Dr. JohnA. Evans gave an invited seminar on"Level set topology optimizationusing hierarchical B-splines" at the Johannes Kepler University Linzin Linz, Austria.

July2019:Dr. JohnA. Evans gave an invited seminar on"Isogeometric structure-preserving discretizations using hierarchical B-splines" at the Johannes Kepler University Linzin Linz, Austria.

July2019:Dr. JohnA. Evans gave an invited talk on"Adaptive topology optimization with hierarchical B-splines"at the Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics workshop on "Mathematical Foundations of Isogeometric Analysis"in Oberwolfach, Germany.

June 2019:Dr. JohnA. Evans gave an invited talk on"Simulation of turbulent incompressible fluid flow with isogeometricstructure-preserving discretizations"at Structure Preserving Discretizations: Finite Elements, Splines, and IGA in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

May 2019:Dr. JohnA. Evans gave a plenary talk on"Geometry, parameterization, and high-order spline approximation"at the 16th International Conference on Approximation Theoryin Nashville, Tennessee.

May 2019:Dr. JohnA. Evans gave an invited seminar on"Isogeometric structure-preserving discretizations: Fundamentals, current research thrusts, and future directions"at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

May 2019:PhD student Corey Nelson is off to Walt Disney Animation Studiosfor the summer to bring isogeometric analysis to the world of animation.

May 2019: Undergradute researchers Lucas Calvertand Thad Gleasonobtained their Bachelor of Science degrees in Aerospace Engineering Sciences. Thad also obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Physics. Congratulations Lucas and Thad!

May 2019: PhD student Eric Peterssuccessfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Peters! Following graduation, Dr. Peters is joining Ball Aerospace as a Systems Engineer in their Algorithms department.

May 2019: PhD studentEric Peters' paper "A divergence-conforming hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method for the incompressible Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations" was accepted for publication in the International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. Congratulations Eric!

March 2019:Dr. John A. Evans has been selected for theSimons Visiting Professor program by theOberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics. Dr. Evans will visit the Johannes Kepler University Linz in July as part of this program.

February 2019:Dr. John A. Evans organized the workshop "Isogeometric Splines: Theory and Applications" at the Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery.

January 2019:Dr. John A. Evans is officially on parental leave this semester, so he may be much slower than usual in responding to e-mails and the like.

December 2018:Eric Peters andDr. John A. Evanswere co-authors on the paper "A reduced-basis multi-fidelity approach for an efficient parameteric study of NACA airfoils" which was accepted for publication in the AIAA Journal.

October 2018:Dr. John Evans gave an invited talk on "Adaptive level set XFEM topology optimization with hierarchical B-splines" atIGA2018in Austin, Texas.

October 2018: Dr. John Evans's paper "Hierarchical B-spline complexes of discrete differential forms" was accepted for publication in the IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis.

October2018:Dr. John Evans and Dr. Ken Jansen were selected to receive a NASAgrant "Improving the Accuracy and Efficiency of Scale Resolving Simulations for Favorableand Adverse Pressure Gradient Flows". Dr. Jansen is PI and Dr. Evans is Co-PI. The grant is slated to begin January2019.

October2018:Dr. John Evanswas named as a 2018Clarivate AnalyticsHighly Cited Researcher for being among the top 1% worldwide in computer science citations.

September 2018:The CMGLab received a research gift from Disney Research to develop fast simulation techniques for cloth animation.

September 2018:Elias Barroso, a PhD candidate at the Federal University of Ceara, has joined the group as a visiting graduate student. Welcome Elias!

September 2018: Daniel Lee and Basu Parmarhavejoined the group asMS students. Welcome Daniel and Basu!

August2018: The CMGLab welcomed its newest member, Eleanor Rachel Evans,on August 25, 2018. Dr. John Evans may never get work done again.

August2018: PhD student Eric Peters gave a contributed talk on "A divergence-conforming hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method for the incompressible Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations" at the 2018 Rocky Mountain Fluid Mechanics Research Symposium in Boulder, babyֱapp.

July 2018: Dr. John Evans andPhD student Eric Peters both attended the Thirteenth World Congress on Computational Mechanics in New York City. Dr. Evans gave an invited talk on "Easily computable metrics for assessing the quality of high-order finite element and isogeometric methods" while Eric gave a contributed talk on "A divergence-conforming hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method for the incompressible Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations".

July 2018:Dr. John Evans attended a workshop on "Interplayof Geometric Processing, Modelling, and Adaptivity in Galerkin Methods" within the Programme on"Numerical Analysis of Complex PDE Models in the Sciences" at the Erwin Schrodinger Institute in Vienna, Austria. Dr. Evans gave an invited talk on "Mesh generation, parameterization, and optimizationfor high-order finite element and isogeometric analysis".

July2018:PhD student Corey Nelson gave a contributed talk on "Isogeometric analysis of geometric flows on surfaces with application to mesh processing" at the 2018 SIAM Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon.

June 2018:PhD student Eric Peters attended a workshop on "Research Challenges at the Interface of Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification" at the University of Southern California.

June 2018:Dr. John Evans gave an invited talk on "Isogeometric unstructured tetrahedraland mixed-element Bernstein-Bezier discretizations" atSolid and Physical Modelingin Bilbao, Spain.

May 2018:Undergraduatestudents Lucas Calvert and Thad Gleason joined the CMGLab as UROP researchers. Welcome to the group, Lucas and Thad!

May 2018:Undergradute researchers Ryan Aronson and Nicholas Moore obtained their Bachelor of Science degrees in Aerospace Engineering Sciences. Ryan is off to Stanford in the fall to enter their PhD program in Computational and Mathematical Engineering, and Nicholas is off to Ball Aerospace in the summer to work as an Avionics Software Engineer. Congratulations Ryan and Nicholas!

May 2018:PhD student Joseph Benzaken successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Benzaken! Following graduation, Dr. Benzaken is joining Walt Disney Animation Studios as a Research Scientist.

May 2018:PhD student Eric Peters passed his comprehensive exam. Congratulations Eric!

May 2018:Dr. John Evans gave an invited talk on "Recent advances in isogeometric divergence-conforming discretizations"at Advances in Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction and Flow Simulationin Banff, Canada.

April 2018:MSstudent Ansel Rothstein-Dowden successfully defended his thesis. Ansel is off to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the summer to work as Software Systems Engineer.Congratulations Master Ansel!

April 2018:Dr. John Evans co-chaired the12th International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Processing in Aachen, Germany.

April 2018:PhD student Luke Engvall successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Engvall!

April 2018:UndergraduatestudentRyan Aronson has been offered a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations Ryan!

April 2018:Dr. John Evans's paper"Explicit higher-order accurate isogeometric collocation methods for structural dynamics"was accepted for publication in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.

March 2018:PhD student Joseph Benzaken and Visiting PhD Student Frits de Prenter gave contributed talks at the 15th Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods in Copper Mountain, babyֱapp.

March 2018:PhD student Luke Engvall started a Software Engineer position at Coreform LLC in Provo, Utah. Luke will be working on the development of new computer aided design methodologies using a new geometry description called U-splines. Luke will defend his PhD dissertation in April.

March 2018:Dr. John A. Evans received a seed grant from the Research and Innovation Seed Grant Program at the University of babyֱapp Boulder. The grant, entitled "Automated Storm Surge Modeling from Geospatial Data Sources", is slated to begin July 1, 2018. Dr. Carson Farmer from the Department of Geography at the University of babyֱapp Boulder is a Co-PI.

March 2018:Dr. John A. Evans was part of a research team thatreceivedan NSFgrant "Collaborative Research: NISC SI2-S2I2 Conceptualization of CFDSI: Model, Data, and Analysis Integration for End-to-End Support of Fluid Dynamics Discovery and Innovation". The team is led by Dr. Kenneth Jansen (CU-Boulder), and Dr. Evans is a Co-PI.

February 2018:It has been announced that Dr. John A. Evans will be leading a workshopon "Isogeometric Splines: Theory and Applications". The workshop will take place at the Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery in Banff, Alberta, Canada from February 24, 2019 to March 1, 2019. A press release is located .

January 2018:Dr. John A. Evanswas a co-author on the paper "Multi-patch discontinuous Galerkin isogeometric analysis for wave propagation: Explicit time-stepping and efficient mass matrix inversion" which was accepted for publication in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.

January 2018:Dr. John A. Evanswas a co-author on the paper "An isogeometric boundary element method for electromagnetic scattering with compatible B-spline discretizations" which was accepted for publication in the Journal of Computational Physics.

January 2018:Dr. John A. Evanswas a co-author on the paper "Fragmentation of biofilm-seeded bacterial aggregates in shear flow" which was accepted for publication in the European Journal of Applied Mathematics.

January 2018: DeAnna Sewell has joined the group as a PhD student. Welcome DeAnna!

December 2017:Dr. Christopher Coley's paper"A geometric multigrid method for isogeometric compatible discretizations of the generalized Stokes and Oseen problems"was accepted for publication in Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications.Congratulations Dr. Coley!

November 2017:Frits de Prenter, a PhD candidate at the Eindhoven University of Technology, has joined the group as a visiting graduate student. Welcome Frits!

November 2017:Dr. John A. Evanswas named as a 2017 Clarivate AnalyticsHighly Cited Researcher for being among the top 1% worldwide in computer science citations.

October 2017:Dr. Christopher Coley's paper"Variational multiscale modeling with discontinuous subscales: Analysis and application to scalar transport"was accepted for publication in Meccanica.Congratulations Dr. Coley!

October 2017:The CMGLab received a research gift from Disney Research to develop fast simulation techniques for cloth animation.

September 2017:Dr. John A. Evansgave a plenary talk on "Isogeometric compatible discretizations: Fundamentals, current research thrusts, and future directions" at theSecond Conference onSubdivision, Geometric and AlgebraicMethods, IsogeometricAnalysis andRefinability in Italy in Gaeta, Italy.

September 2017:PhD student Joseph Benzaken passed his comprehensive exam. Congratulations Joseph!

September 2017:Dr. John A. Evans was part of a research team thatreceivedan NSFgrant "SI2-SSE: Software Elements to Enable Immersive Simulation". The team is led by Dr. Kenneth Jansen (CU-Boulder), and Dr. Evans is a Co-PI.

September 2017:Dr. John A. Evans was part of a research team thatreceivedan NSFgrant "A Data-Centric Approach to Turbulence Simulation". The team is led by Dr. Kenneth Jansen (CU-Boulder), and Dr. Evans is a Co-PI.

July 2017: PhD studentEric Peters was accepted into and attended the Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing.

July 2017:PhD student Christopher Coley successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Coley!

July 2017:Dr. John A. Evans gave an invited talk on "A critical comparison of coupling schemes for non-matching isogeometric/finite element discretizations" at the Fourteenth U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics in Montreal, Canada.

July 2017:Dr. John A. Evanswas named the inaugural Rossinger Faculty Fellow in the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of babyֱapp Boulder.

July 2017:Dr. John A. Evanswas a co-author on the paper "Projection-based stabilization of interface Lagrange multipliers in immersogeometric fluid-thin structure interation analysis, with application to heart valve modeling" which was accepted for publication in Computers and Mathematics with Applications.

May 2017:Undergraduatestudents Ryan Aronson and Nicholas Moore joined the CMGLab as UROP researchers. Welcome to the group, Ryan and Nicholas!

May 2017:PhD student Luke Engvall is off to Coreform LLC for the summer to work on geometrically exact three-dimensional mesh generation software.

May 2017:PhD student Joseph Benzaken is off to Disney Research for the summer to bring isogeometric analysis to the world of animation.

May 2017:Undergradute researchers Matthew Hurst and Ansel Rothstein-Dowden obtained their Bachelor of Science degrees in Aerospace Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics. Congratulations Matthew and Ansel!

April 2017:PhD student Luke Engvall passed his comprehensive exam. Congratulations Luke!

April 2017:Undergraduate researcher Ansel Rothstein-Dowden presented on his researchat the Discovery Learning Apprentice Symposium at the University of babyֱapp Boulder.

April 2017:Dr. John A. Evans gave an invited talk on "Stabilized and multiscale isogeometric collocation methods for transport and incompressible turbulent flow" at the 19th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems in Rome, Italy.

April 2017:Members of the CMGLab publishedtwo papersin this month's"Special Issue on Isogeometric Analysis: Progress and Challenges" in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering:

  • J. Benzaken, A.J.Herrema, M.-C. Hsu, andJ.A. Evans, "A rapid and efficient isogeometric design space exploration framework with application to structural mechanics."Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,316:1215-1256, 2017.
  • T.M. van Opstal, J. Yan,C. Coley,J.A. Evans, T. Kvamsdal, and Y. Bazilevs, "Isogeometric divergence-conforming variational multiscale formulation of incompressible turbulent flows."Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 316:859-879, 2017.

April 2017:Dr. John A. Evans was added as a Co-PI to the DARPA grant "Adaptive Multi-Resolution Level-Set Topology Optimization Framework" led by Dr.Kurt Maute (CU-Boulder).

March 2017:PhD student Christopher Coley gave a contributed talk on "Multigrid methods for isogeometric Navier-Stokes discretizations" at the 18th Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods in Copper Mountain, babyֱapp.

February 2017:Dr. John A. Evans published apaperin this month's special issue on "Special Issue on Biological Systems Dedicated to William S. Klug" in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering:

  • D. Kamensky, M.-C. Hsu, Y. Yu,J.A. Evans, M.S. Sacks, and T.J.R. Hughes, "Immersogeometric cardiovascular fluid-structure interaction analysis with divergence-conforming B-splines."Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 314:408-472, 2017.

February2017:PhD student Luke Engvall's paper "Isogeometric unstructured tetrahedral and mixed-element Bernstein–Bézier discretizations" was accepted for publication in Computer Methods in Applied Mechancis and Engineering.Congratulations Luke!

January 2017:Dr. John A.Evans gave an invited seminaron "Isogeometric structure-preserving discretizations: Fundamentals, current research thrusts, and future directions" at the Rice University Computational and Applied Mathematics Colloquium in Houston, Texas.

December 2016:PhD student Joseph Benzaken's paper "A rapid and efficient isogeometric design space exploration framework with application to structural mechanics" was accepted for publication in Computer Methods in Applied Mechancis and Engineering. Congratulations Joseph!

December 2016:PhD student Christopher Coley passed his comprehensive exam. Congratulations Chris!

October 2016:The CMGLab attended the USACM ThematicConference on Isogeometric Analysis and Meshless Methods in San Diego, California. Dr.John A. Evans, Luke Engvall, Christopher Coley, Joseph Benzaken, and Eric Peters allgavetalks during the conference.

September 2016:PhD student Eric Peters passed his preliminary exams. Congratulations Eric!