If you are already in the United States as a J-1 student, you may change your J-1 sponsorship to this school either by leaving the country and re-entering, or by transferring your SEVIS record.

Leaving and re-entering

If you go abroad and come back into the United States using this school’s DS-2019, your re-entry will authorize you to attend this school. However, the “leaving and re-entering†procedure may not work if you travel to Canada, Mexico, or the Caribbean islands for less than 30 days. This is because the Customs and Border Protection agent at the port of entry may hand back your DS-2019 intact and unmarked, and refuse to record your re-entry. If that happens to you, you will have to proceed as though you had not gone abroad, and either leave North America and re-enter the United States, or carry out the “transferring programs†procedure.

Transferring programs without leaving the country by changing J-1 sponsorship

First, fill out and sign the back of the white page of the enclosed DS-2019. Then take the form (all three copies) to your present J-1 responsible officer, who represents your J-1 sponsor and issues your DS-2019. Ask to have item 8, in the lower right-hand corner of the form, completed and signed. That will release you to this school's sponsorship. If your present J-1 responsible officer is unwilling to sign item 8, then contact ISSS. Then proceed either by notification or else by application.

Transferring by notification. You may use this procedure only if your I-94 Departure Record card shows “Duration of Status†or “D/S†instead of a specific expiration date. Bring your DS-2019, with the required signatures, then contact ISSS. We will mail the yellow copy to the government as notification and return the pink copy to you, and that will complete the transfer.