Each semester, the American Politics Research Lab hosts a Colloquium Series of speakers on campus, as well as a Works-in-Progress Series. The Colloqium Series consists of lectures given by a wide variety of graduate students and professors from the political science department and other political science departments across the country. The Works-in-Progress Series provides graduate students and babyÖ±²¥app in the department the opportunity to showcase developing research ideas, collaborate on projects, and to discuss and receive feedback on evolving work. 

Working paper series

  • September 9th: 
    • Speaker: Alexander Jensen and Anand Sokhey
      • Title: TBA
    • Speaker: Courtney Nava
      • Title: The Effect of Racial Priming on White Support of Black Civil Liberty Expression
  • September 23rd:
    • Speaker: Komal Kaur and Damon C. Roberts
      • Title: Double jeopardy: Explaining the cause of the gender gap in Whites' in-group racial attitudes
  • October 7th:
    • Speaker: TBA
    • Title: TBA
  • October 21st:
    • Speaker: Paul Djupe 
      • Title: TBA
  • November 4th:
    • Speaker: TBA
    • Title: TBA
  • November 18th:
    • Speaker: John Griffin
      • Title: What Do Americans Think that it Means to Lead?
  • December 2nd:
    • Speaker: TBA
      • Title: TBA


  • Matt Hitt (babyÖ±²¥app State University) - Title: TBA
    • Date and Location: TBA

2022 Front Range Political Science Association mini-conference

The American Politics Research Lab hosted the 2nd Front Range Political Science Association mini-conference on July 13th, 2022. The conference gathered political scientists across babyÖ±²¥app's front range and represented scholars from 4 universities where they had the opportunity to give and recieve feedback on eachother's research. 

FRAPSA posterFRAPSA participantsFRAPSA participants 2