
The MAL has two major ongoing projects - Artist and Scholar Residencies, and Technical Reports. We also have a number of projects that happen spontaneously, as ad-hoc expressions of day-to-day MAL activity. Here you'll find the ongoing projects - check under 'Community' for our more spontaneous doings.

MALware technical reports document events, research, teaching, and artist residencies taking place in and through the lab. Rather than white papers which are typically authoritative statements about solutions or policies, our technical reports are intended to be more processual – they can describe the progress or process of teaching, research or artistic activity in the MAL, or they may simply outline a particular problem in or related to the MAL. Our hope is that these technical reports provide a media studies and humanities-oriented outlet for investigations into technology.

The Media Archaeology Lab (MAL) residency program has attracted researchers, artists, musicians, and writers from the UK, Sweden, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, and across the US. Residencies provide full access to the lab and its collection for as long as is necessary for project completion. In addition to working in the lab, MAL residents present a talk or produce a small publication, performance, or exhibition that features the residency project and its results. We are not currently accepting Residency applications, but we are working to create future residency opportunities. Previous residencies have been coordinated by Mél Hogan, Lauren Samblanet, Maya Livio, and libi striegl.

For more thorough documentation of our past residencies, and to download our technical reports, visit our projects archive here